Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

I just don’t think it’s worth the PR hit even if it’s optional.


Juicehead brought up what I thought was an interesting point in his review video. The Starjacker (the free bounty mission) is longer and more complex than The Vulture - the response might have been more positive if Bethesda had just switched the two missions - have the short simple one as the free taster and charge extra for the more substantial mission.

(Bit of a clickbaity title on this video but I think his content is overall good and evenhanded)


Well after grinding a ton of affinity with Andreja, way more than what should have been needed, she still wasn’t open to getting married. I had to break up with her, then restart the relationship, before the commitment option appeared. I guess she had just gotten too comfortable with the status quo. Scarily accurate to real life, Bethesda. :rofl:


Tracker’s Alliance is rad and more fleshed out than I was expecting. Nice incentive to get me back to Akila.


Cool, I’m about to start the mission to marry her, she reminds me of my real life wife so she was the obvious choice.

I’m also happy the DLC seems to deal with her religion so the choice to marry her may be more interesting with the DLC.

Yes, I’m sure there will be some revelations about what’s really going on with House Va’ruun and it will be fascinating to have Andreja along. Like bringing Liara and Javik to the Thessia mission in Mass Effect 3!

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Haha. People romancing the other characters while I have them all at The Lodge as I continue to go on my journey as a solo lone wolf. lmao :joy:

But then who’s sworn to carry your burdens (aka extra loot)?


I’ll be honest, I take companions with me and I’m the only one carrying the loot. Before the carry weight update after the update, in Skyrim and Fallout 3. Only in Fallout 4 did I use a companion for the loot, because Ada has infinite carry weight if she picks things up from the ground.

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I have carry capacity at greatly increased which sets it at 1140. Haven’t gone over the limit yet.

Question - is it possible to remove a “perk” off a weapon and attach to another weapon of the same class and whatnot? For example, the Peacekeeper assault rifle has a perk that allows extra ammo in the clip and I wanted to know if I could remove that and attach it to another AA-99 weapon since that’s what the Peacekeeper is.


No, there is a mod in Fallout 4 that let’s us remove a legendary perk from one weapon or armor to another and I’m hoping something similar comes to Starfield.

(There’s also the cheat terminal in FO4, that let’s us add a legendary perk/effect to weapons/armors, would like that in Starfield too. For the rest if the utility.)

Okay, thanks. Hopefully they add that to the game at some point.

It’s more than likely to be a mod, as this sort of thing shortens game time. Generally the only way we have to do this currently is to save before killing an elite human enemy with multiple health bars and kill, check, doesn’t have what we want? Reload and try again.

But that’s too tedious as there are a lot of combinations that we could end up with, the higher level the enemy we defeat.

I don’t think it’s possible to shorten Starfield’s game time. lol

But yeah, that’s probably the reason why Bethesda wouldn’t add it. There’s so many things that they could add to make the game even better. Most of which are simple quality of life additions.

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It could also be about getting people to use more weapons, like we all have our favorites(Va’Ruun Pain Blade, always get one). But if a weapon drops that has some really good perk/effect I would be willing to try it even if it’s not a weapon type I use.

Of course others are just upgrading the Coachman and blowing every away with the explosive hornets nest upgrade.

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Yeah, I can see that.

I use the Peacekeeper assault rifle, Shotty Shotgun which has elements to it randomly applied like fire, acid, etc. when the shells hit the enemies and I have a Grendel assault rifle which does 30% bonus damage for every consecutive hit which despite having lower damage output than the Peacekeeper, shreds everything in it’s path. I don’t use melee weapons or stealth. I’m playing Starfield as a pure first person shooter when on foot.

Assault rifles for faster damage and medium to long range while the Shotgun is for short to medium range. I don’t like the energy weapons at all so I don’t use them and while other weapons may be good, it has to have good ammo capacity for the clip as I prefer to reload the weapon as less times as possible.

Since I know the weapon that’s connected to the Crimson Fleet faction quest line due to getting it last September when playing the game before I encountered the duplicate save bug, im playing through everything else first so it should be higher level weapon by the time I get it.


I just got the Mariner Module and it comes with an infinite storage chest, placeable in outposts, ships, and homes.


The description of this module doesn’t actually call this out, and I haven’t seen it discussed anywhere, so I thought I’d share. Oh, and it’s made by Bethesda so it supports achievements.


That’s pretty cool looking, I like the walls looking like it’s a wooden ship in the one shot

Is it possible to upgrade the Frontier to where all the bars in each category (engine, shield, etc.) are available for use? I see that there’s two skills that allow better upgrading but I want to make sure before I use the skill points on them. I like the Frontier and just want to keep upgrading it. Thanks.