Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

The commercial just aired on my television. Goes without saying but the marketing is good to go.

Here’s a round up of today’s Starfield facts with Pete Hines in case you missed it!

  • “The game doesn’t really start until after the main quest”
  • Describes how he got sucked in to the vacuum of space after jumping on to an enemy ship and the pilot taking off
  • Modders will be able to create planets
  • New Game+ relates directly to the main story so Pete couldn’t really talk about it, however he does state it is different from most New Game+ mechanics and it is “rather special”
  • Said he felt like Iron Man at one stage due to the diversity of weapon mods being combined with skills
  • Museum on New Atlantis explains some lore for the game
  • There’s an enormous amount of creatures, no clue how many
  • Says after 150 hours, he isn’t even close to 100%'ing the game
  • Lots of mod support post-launch
  • Mission boards can ask you to build outposts on planets
  • Plenty of easter eggs
  • No level cap (he thinks)
  • People on PC who have played the game early have said performance is smooth

Thanks for summarizing here :slightly_smiling_face: Also I remember he confirmed he’s a picky eater (he said maybe the world’s pickiest/boring eater, and doesn’t like tomatoes, onions, anything that has been unpackaged) he won’t let his character eat something he wouldn’t. I think he said his character eats a lot of chunks or something which is a brand in game. Also there isn’t a making of Starfield as they’d have had to start that by now and they haven’t, said we got the 45 minute direct that was like them making a feature film.

I am going to guess…the main quest is unlocking extra galactic travel to find the origins of the alien artifacts and when you finally do…the new game + is exploring that new galaxy.


So NG+ is a whole new game? Unlikely lol

I think it’ll have something to do with the space magic powers.

Did Phil mean the RPG elements when he said it’s more like Oblivion than Skyrim?

Probably, but also Todd and BGS have made the Oblivion comparison before too.

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While it could be overhype, it was claim that New Game+ will be “unique” in compare to all games have done. If true, it will set precedent.

Apparently Edge is getting the ability to have better themes & one of the first ones they’re showing off is for Starfield:

Needless to say this is now my theme :slight_smile:




Which leaker is this? Did he leak a lot of gameplay this week?

The wait was already hard enough.

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There’s not a ton of info but the link goes here: The Starfield Leaker Has Been Arrested, His Apology to Todd Howard Not Enough to Avoid Jail (

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He should have put a bucket on their heads to avoid line of sight.

Kinda amusing - I normally have the “informational layout” set in Edge. But to really get the flavor of this theme, I decided to hide that & have to scroll down to see stuff. I did this MAYBE 25 minutes ago, and Edge just came up & offered me 100 reward points to switch BACK to informational layout, plus 400 more to keep it that way for a week. Guess I’m not going to argue with that, I can always switch back just in time for Starfield to actually come out :slight_smile: image

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Does anyone know how to get my new tab to look like this?

The way that all the options i.e. Gaming, Top Stories, Shopping etc all appear at the bottom of the page and not taking up the entire screen in front of the background like they are now

Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out, when I changed it they gave me 100 points to put it back and if I keep it for a week a get another 400, nice lol

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yeah, same thing happened to me.

Here in Germany