Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Uh oh…



ZeniMax going all-in


Looking back is pretty funny on marketing concern.


Lock him up. Its one thing to leak, but its another thing to steal. I have zero sympathy for criminals.

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All of this for clout smh. He lost me when he stole constellation and sold for profit. He just screwed over a bunch of people that bought the game

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It’d be great if Bethesda would release full details of all character creation options maybe a day or two before launch, so we could figure out exactly which stats, skills etc to choose in advance. Otherwise I’ll likely spend three hours in character creation and fall asleep in the early hours of the morning before I start the game proper. :sweat_smile:

This is awesome. MOAR!

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I stayed away from all the new info and such, except for that Pete has apparently said “the game doesn’t even truly get going until after the main quest.”

If true, I wonder what he means because I don’t intend to play tons of the main quest at all in my first few hours. I certainly won’t rush it and I will explore a lot. When it comes to their previous games I pretty much did every single worthwhile quest before even truly finishing the main quest, haha.

Perhaps he means that if you go for the main quest ( mostly) that tons of content awaits you in the form of side quests after that?

I believe it will be like the opposite of Avengers’ aftermath. The campaign goes through levels and then after that, other maps are mostly if not all the same with few tweaks. With Starfield, you can expect fresh new places to explore that main campaign didn’t offer.

There are rumors (leaks?) of sth major happening at the end of main quest, potentially unlocks even more side content.

Or maybe we just unlock final cool space powers and get extra dialogue options, because we become famous or sth.


So that would be in addition to all the side quests (factions and such) that aren’t mandatory for story quest completion? That would be crazy. But it’s gonna be a while before I find out the what and how, gonna take it so damn easy with this game.

Marketing…what marketing…

Australia: Hold my beer


Marketing warriors are satisfied now!


1 more week :slight_smile:


It worse. The guy is a criminal. He stole a bunch of stuff from the place he work and was selling them online. It crazy that he got caught cause he was stupid enough to show Starfield gameplay with his face and email and his home address LMFAO.


That’s not a bus though :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s very nice to see.


Wait so if I have gamepass ultimate I only have to pay 31.49 to own starfield and get early access

If you buy the upgrade via the MS store, then yes. If you want the patch and an empty steel book + download code, it’s €35. Can be pre-ordered on Amazon.

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