Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!


That’s interesting, most people seem to swear by Destiny’s gunplay, not a fan of the games myself but I’d definitely take it’s smooth shooting over something like Fallout

That being said, I’m not going to go into this expecting Destiny shooting but it seems obvious they’ve put a lot of time into the gameplay that it’s gonna feel a lot better to shoot things than their previous games


The gunplay is pretty much the only thing I liked about Destiny. I quit when they started removing content though so I dont know how it is nowadays.


Ugh! I wasn’t going to buy the Premium Edition upgrade. I didn’t really care if I had to wait an additional five days. What’s five days? It’s nothing!

Then slowly but surely my resolve was chipped away at by the relentless drip-drip-drip of hype, from those short films they released, to the live action trailer, to Pete Hines’ infectious excitement in that interview yesterday…

And now this goddamned article is the thing that broke the camel’s back.

Consider me on board the early access train. :melting_face:


I can’t remember if I saw this posted, but I believe that Pete Hines is doing a “facts about Starfield” session at Gamescom at 12:30 PM EST today - Bethesda Softworks - Starfield - Facts with Pete Hines | gamescom


That’s quite cool! All the outfits/armors/weapons will remain with us during a new game plus? That could be very nice. Although for me, with BGS games I do pretty much most of the stuff I want to do in the first playthrough, I don’t often do second ones.


“Don’t blame me. Blame them.”

Gunplay is great. Eveything else is boring.

Holy shit. The Hype keeps building.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1694773347807056253|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

Basically confirmed, you can add a whole new game inside of Starfield via mods. Fallout 5 will be in Starfield before it officially release lol.



Going to be at work in a week and 2 hours time feeling a bout of gastro coming on so I can get out early and come home to play :joy:

I hope allowed size for mods on Xbox has greatly increased over what’s allowed in Skyrim. We need this on Xbox too, not just PC.


I just hope the whole like Destiny talk is because we can do extend jumps with the jet pack, which would likely be more like a more refined version of using one in Fallout 4 and 76.

the way it was mentioned is in relation to gunplay, not being a grindfest mmo. it’s a BGS rpg

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That will probably still be a console limiting thing. PC will always get the best mod support cause its more open…

That’s pretty cool that modders can add entirely new planets. I assumed they would only be able to edit the 1K existing planets.


Thats great cause I love Oblivion but HATE Skyrim so this should be good fot me.

It is for me

In a nutshell oblivion had a better written story with better charectors and much better questlines. Skyrim was a vapid shallow game where nothing you did had any consequence