Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Holy shit! haha

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I had the same encounter on some random planet. She landed, got out to walk her pet, we had a conversation and I think she had some things for sale as well.


Just discovered a tip for those reaching NG+, make sure you collect all the skill magazines before you complete it.

The buffs which these magazines give you are stackable for each NG+ so if you collect the same magazine on 10 different playthroughs that buff will be multiplied 10x.


I can’t find who said it, however someone recently posted that it wasn’t possible to do stealth in Starfield.

I would like to present this (Spoiler Warning):

It feels more like Dishonored than Starfield in this video :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


I just beat the game. Just an awesome experience… are we allowed to talk spoilers

There the spoiler thread might work.

The thread title literally says “[NO SPOILERS]”, so… :smile:

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Someone recommended me, play Interstellar soundtrack in the background, go to a cool planet and literally just walk and stargaze. This was way too emotional to me :sob:


Here’s a tip for anyone looking to make some easy credits:

For any planet you can’t land on, a scan conducted from orbit counts as a complete scan, resulting in the above-mentioned slate that you can sell.

So, whenever you’re in a new planetary system, have a look at all the planets orbiting the star, and if you see a massive one odds are it’s a gas or ice giant that you can’t land on. Fly over, scan, profit.

Granted, these kinds of slates aren’t worth as much as those generated by manually running around on the surface with your hand scanner, but it literally takes less than a minute, so it’s still quick and easy cash. Especially worthwhile when you’re just starting out and is a bit strapped.


Not currently doing stealth I’ll let people figure it out and then attempt another stealth build, in Skyrim and Fallout 4 I also couldn’t figure it out myself and had to look up the specific builds that make it work in another playthrough

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I often say that Skyrim is the greatest stealth game ever made. No matter how many times I play that game, I always end up reverting to a stealth build. Clearing out a dark cave with my bow from the shadows just feels so, so good.


Splinter Cell could never :laughing:

I don’t want to click on that link because I want to find the book locations myself but I’m assuming all books are in pre-determined locations then?

So for example, say I find a +5kg carry book in a mineral factory POI, that same book will be in that same POI type and in the exact same location on each NG+?

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Man, as someone who’s spent an embarrassingly high percentage of my 120 Starfield hours messing around with the ship building, this is pretty friggin cool and impressive:


There are a few exceptions but yes from what I have seen they are normally in the same locations, they might not be in the same room but nearby.

That’s great, thanks

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It was the IGN guy who gave Starfield a 7.


I just had a pretty cool experience that I wanted to share.

I was checking out a resource rich planet with an eye to setting up an outpost when an Ecliptic ship landed. Well, I can’t have those guys come around my new outpost, so I decided to leave no witnesses.

First I killed a couple of the ground crew, then I went inside and got rid of the ship’s crew before they’d have a chance to take off. Once that was done I went back outside to mop up the stragglers.

But as soon as I had dropped the last guy, the ship took off anyway! I’ve seen that happen before (the ship taking off when the last man outside dies) which was why I went inside first, to prevent that.

I just kinda shrugged and assumed it must be a bug. Went about my business for a little bit before taking off into orbit. And wouldn’t you know it, that same Ecliptic ship was there waiting for me. Except… no, it’s just drifting there.

So I board it, only to be shot at by a turret that’s dropped down from the ceiling! Once I had destroyed it, I explored the ship, and it’s definitely the same ship I encountered on the ground. The dead bodies are where I left them, and the cargo hold and captain’s locker contain the same stuff I didn’t take the first time around.

So, I figure (in my head canon at least) the ship had some kind of autodefense system that was monitoring the crew’s vitals, and when the last one flatlined it was set to activate the turret and escape into space.

For all I know it also sent a distress call and if I had waited around in orbit for a while another Ecliptic ship would’ve shown up to investigate. :man_shrugging:

Man, I love this game.


I fixed my glitch! I had to wait for all the ships that followed me to land, run at them so they leave, go to space then go BACK to the planet they followed me from. Wait a minute or two for them to come back and then voila, blow up some shippy ship. Cool gun is mine!

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I’ve spent obscene amounts of time in the ship builder as someone who is only level 20 with zero skills to improve ship construction (e.g., the “design” skills and class B/C reactor skills in the tech tree). I haven’t even started any of the faction questlines or visited Neon yet.