I feel people who complain about the gunplay have never played a bethesda game… Lol
Is it horrible to want decent gunplay and non brain dead AI ? I don’t think anyone who says “I hope the gunplay is a step up from FO4” is suddenly expecting top of the line gun mechanics. Certainly not from Bethesda lol.
People were trying to force a lot of negativity onto Starfield today. Going to be funny when its the biggest game next year in terms of mindshare.
Ai? Dude weve barely seen any footage. It was probably shown just for simple combat
Im sure you can pump the difficulty up. You want souls difficulty or something?
They cna do what they want. This game is mass effect magnified by 100 and thats right up my ally.
I’m just going based off of previous Bethesda games, it’s literally just my opinion. I’m still super excited for it.
You mind chilling out ?
Wouldn’t be surprised if this wins a lot of game of the year awards in 2023.
There were moments where the AI didn’t react to being shot, and gunplay didn’t look that great. I know expectations are lowered for the gunplay in these type of games, but it didn’t look that good in trailer. Also frame rates weren’t stable in this build, but the other stuff besides the gunplay combat looked great imo
From the few mins of footage combat looks way better than anything in fallout
Oh absolutely. Remember when there were lots of people saying Elden Ring was just Dark souks 4? I have no doubt in my mind a lot of crow will be served.
That’s your opinion, I’m not mad at it.
I mean it’s definitely what I expected. Fallout in space. Not a bad thing but obviously not blowing minds.
Hope Bethesda revamps the gameplay for their future games. Shooting and melee combat needs to change and improve.
My jaw was dropped the entire time when watching in 4K.
This is a generational game, similar to how the first reveal of Halo.
Star Citizen vibes too, but this game actually will fully come out and also won’t have insanely priced items, lol.
I don’t think anyone is expecting CoD gunplay, but at least like Fallout 4 or better. The shooting seems fine actually, it’s the inconsistent hit reactions. Some enemies react to being shot, others are like bullet sponges and no reaction. The first enemies he shoots at actually.
literally no idea why this is so hard for anyone to grasp. CP2077 was the first foray into shooting for CDPR yet that game even in videos played a lot better than whatever Starfield showed. The shots in Starfield literally have no feedback, the AI looks braindead yet people go “that’s just how their games are”. CDPR could easily had the same excuse of “witcher 3 wasnt even known for its combat, so why are people expecting cyberpunk combat to be any good”, but no, the gunplay in that was more than serviceable enough for going through the rest of the experience in the game so I apologize if I want Starfield to have the same. As someone who hasn’t played other BGS games, I don’t care that it’s a tradition with their games to not have decent combat lol. It’s time to break tradition, it’s a new IP, new frontier, might as well evolve.
If you go compare Fallout 4 and 76’s graphics and animations with Starfield it truly is a amazing leap. I love how with this deep dive they proved the non believers of last year wrong. Creation Engine 2 is very impressive. Now imagine TES VI!
And it’s because of those things that they hopefully have brought an improvement to gameplay elements too. If the shooting is on par with Fallout 4 it is the bare minimum in my opinion, when everything else has made such a leap it IS understandable that people expect this for gunplay and AI too. I personally didn’t find much wrong with the AI in Fallout 4. Bring it on par with that and we’re good! With Fallout you can bank on VATS and don’t have to use real-time shooting much at all, different story here.
“BGS never had great combat” is not a good excuse. Are we going to say this about TES VI too that drastically needs actual good melee combat?
Sword combat and gun combat is fine in their games, it’s the hit reactions that need a big improvement. That’s all.
During the stream I read the ‘starter home’ as ‘starter homo’ so I was very confused.
I like the UI. A lot.
Yeah, UI looks really sleak
I think they need to fix the eyes on the characters. They are kinda very reflective and a person does not blink much.