Starfield could be the best game ever made - it won't change how this industry talks about Xbox

I mean one should hope Sony actually “shows up” to their own showcase. Again people actually get paid to write this nonsense.


I agree. The industry is a bit bias against Xbox. Xbox is more harshly criticized compared to the Playstation.




Whatchu mean? The show was amazing. Xbox has their last chance at redemption soon.


A bit ? People are talking more about Red Ring of Death than the 2011 Playstation hacking scandal. Over 70 million accounts were compromised and hackers got access to personal information. PSN was down for almost a month. Of course Sony regret the whole situation so they gifted 1 free month of PS+ and 3-4 games.


What about online passes, member them, I member.


That aged REALLY badly, Sony is clearly on auto pilot and depends solely now on brand loyalty and media bias to maintain some impression they are some how the top of gaming today.

This is what happens when you never call out or are critical to a company with a market share lead and just keep buying their crap because it says Sony on the box. They simply stop caring and customers suffer. Maybe one day Sony customers might actual demand better.


I’ve been saying for years that Jim Ryan is Playstation’s Don Mattrick. Their wild shift in focus to GaaS games probably isn’t going to go over well in the next few years and that “showcase” is a prime example of a guy in charge that just doesn’t get what his loyal fanbase cares about.


He does, but the shift comes from the need and desire to remain in business. Only producing extensive single-player one-and-done games is not economically feasible or sustainable.


Oh for sure, but shifting 50% of your focus to GaaS seems like a recipe for failure in my opinion. Also, just the overall tone deafness of that show was wild to me. Doubling down on an expensive VR headset that will most likely remain niche while offering up a useless handheld seem like poor decisions. Not to mention showing a movie trailer in their hyped showcase was Xbox one reveal levels of stupid.

Combined with everything that comes out of that dude’s mouth, I think Sony fans are in for a rough ride.


I’m not a fan of Ryan, but I admit I don’t have any kind of insight into the financial aspect here. I assume it’s something like buying multiple lottery tickets in the hopes of winning just once and lessening their reliance on third-party. I doubt that this was caused by the ABK acquisition but I’m sure that they’re eager to have a big consistent money-maker all on their own to finance their marquee less-lucrative products.

I’m all for that, myself. I would love for Sony and Microsoft to be more like Nintendo in this regard, having a rock-solid first-party that would be enough to sustain them (as is my understanding). The risk of course is that multiple failures look awful and can take some of the shine off of their brands and affect customer trust.

I don’t have a single positive thing to say about Ryan, but it’s hard to deny that PlayStation is doing extremely well right now. We’ll just have to see what his legacy will be when all the dust settles, since it really seems like it could go in either direction.

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The problem with lottery tickets is that most of them aren’t winners. I guess they don’t have to be in order to be profitable in the end, but I can’t imagine the sudden shift in focus will end up being a good thing in the long run, especially not among their fanbase.

My view of Jim Ryan is incredibly negative and I see him as a guy riding a wave of success who has no idea how to pivot to the next wave. The brand is what it is thanks to the previous leaders, not Jim Ryan. It’s like going from Peter Moore to Don Mattrick and giving Don an “attaboy” for the 360 being in a strong position. Regardless, the Playstation brand is strong, so things will be ok, but never underestimate fools in suits. :smile:


My feelings about him are pretty similar. Everytime I hear him talk I turn into that arthur meme.


Sik’s video will be evergreen


IGN is really full blown Xbox haters right now.


Us against the world.

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I usually like Kat’s stuff but this is WOOF.


Marathon, Concord, MGS3, and Haven’s $$$ game were all CGI. Only PS game with gameplay was Spiderman. If Xbox’s upcoming show only has gameplay for Starfield, they would get roasted.


I thought she was just another ps fanboy, but she is an editor for IGN. :sweat_smile: can’t make this stuff up. Well another one on my block list.



You’re just imagining things! this is not healthy you know! /s