Starfield could be the best game ever made - it won't change how this industry talks about Xbox

Yes, you can walk it back. It’s called growing up.

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wake me up when that guy finally uploading the Psychonaut 2 analysis video on the DF channel.


A lot of people don’t grow up though. :smile:

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Yeah, lets not do this. I said stupid shit 10 years ago too. Nick said stupid shit like, yesterday. :stuck_out_tongue:


Pretty sure he already walked back on it not that long ago, if I recall right he said that he was getting badgered by some people which made him respond with that angry message: It was a mistake and he no thinks that way about Microsoft. unfortunately I don’t have those posts on hand.

Edit: sorry replied to the wrong post

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So we can certainly remove this from pointing fingers at a particular person if he actually addressed it directly and gave an explanation for his comments. I never saw anything like that but if others says he did then that is fine

I however think though it just points out what we are kind of seeing now, a lot of media types have grown up as Sony fans and thought MS was intruding on their industry, when the reality is MS has been in gaming far longer then Sony.

I also remember when Sega left the console business Sony fans acted like they won the lottery. A lot of Sony fans and this includes the media as well do not want competition. They want a ONE console world where only Sony is the choice and any other consoles are just a nuisance to them.

Their is some combo of Sony marketing, the age of these people as to when they started gaming, and the tribal nature that Sony fans seem to exude that really make it difficult for Xbox to have a reasonable social media presence and Xbox fans to actually be able to enjoy their consoles without the trolling and doom and gloom.

When you combine this all and add in a profit motive to cater to click happy Sony fanboys that seem to live and thrive off of negative Xbox news you are actually now starting to see the facts behind WHY Xbox always gets shit on and gets no benefit of the doubt while Sony gets to skate on brand loyalty pretty much forever regardless of how anti consumer they become.


Yeah and people views change as they grow up. Makes me think of a quote i read in a Sanderson book.

Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing.

I agree that there are a lot of loud people on the internet that try to diminish everything xbox does and prop up everything Sony does big or small.

I also remember people celebrating Sega leaving the console hardware business and even though I was relatively young then I couldn’t understand why they were celebrating less competition. I think those people need to be reminded again about the original price point of the PS3 because its a decent example of what a company would try to do if they don’t think they are competing anymore.

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Just ran across a GamesRadar article titled “Sony simply showing up at the Playstation showcase will keep Xbox on the ropes”. And people wonder why we complain about the coverage of Xbox. :smile:


Way too many written “opinions” now a days with very little actual reporting, little curious as to their reasoning but not enough to actually open that “article”


Yeah, I gave up on giving any gaming sites my clicks years ago. Every time I see an absurd headline like that I feel vindicated in my opinion that I’ve made the right choice.

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Media bias against Xbox doesn’t exist


That’s the one. :smile:


Yeah, i’ve read my fair share of click bait and a lot of them do the whole making blanket statements then followed up by we have reached this conclusion because of THIS post by some random redditor. i’ve since just completely stopped reading any entertainment articles.


And the showcase has yet to begin :sweat_smile:

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Can’t enjoy gaming in peace…

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Me too, many years ago. Hell, when Abe’s Oddysey was announced for PS2 I was still heavily into Playstation and then all of a sudden it became a OG Xbox exclusive. Jesus I was pissed. Hated Xbox as a youngster. :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was like, no MS, you have windows, stay in your lane.


Let them talk shit.

All Xbox needs to do in June is show that some great, promising stuff is coming to Xbox and Game Pass by their own studios. Really hammer home how it’s all coming to Game Pass and I’m sure they will. With a stunning looking game like Hellblade 2, a brand new RPG built on UE5 with Avowed, the highly anticipated Starfield and other games, hopefully it’s finally Fable’s time to shine too. Make it as RPG heavy as you can, if these games are ready to be shown.

Show a promising looking upcoming last half of the year and future.


The sad thing is, Phil just finished saying they’re like Nintendo, being a third entity, yet these guys won’t let them. Talk about true villain of the scenario.