Starfield could be the best game ever made - it won't change how this industry talks about Xbox

They’re referencing a post he made on Neogaf some years ago.

Like ten years ago. I think we can let Jon off the hook. It’s clear his opinion changed.


That’s very correct. John Linnneman has had questions to answer a few times where’s he not level with criticism to both systems one of the best was how John didn’t have room for the Series X no such trouble for the bigger PlayStation 5 console.

Xbox does give the press and ones who want to knock the system or brand too much ammunition and it is an issue then need to address. In the age of social media, anything you promise/ say but don’t deliver on will be held against you .


Except when you are Sony.

Remember when Jim Ryan scored easy PR points for stating “we believe in generations” Spencer was honest about it, all consoles have a cross gen period but he was bashed. While Sony got away with it while still releasing cross gen games in 2023.


When you are the market leader you can get away with a lot, just look at the 360 and Three Red Lights of Death for that. Peter Moore at 1st said there was no issue with the hardware.


Is that what that was called in Ireland? Fun! Red Ring of Death here in the US.

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I agree with everything that’s said here. We’ve already seen Hi-Fi Rush get marked down by Metro simply because it’s on Xbox, and they’re on Keighley’s Game Awards jury. Gaming media “journalists” happily drum up hysteria for clicks instead of taking a considered view on the situation.

However, I do think that Microsoft could alleviate this by marketing the shit out of the game. Too often they’re happy to sit back and let the narrative spiral out of their control. They NEED to make the game an event, like Sony does with their games. They should be making Sony afraid to release Spider-Man 2 in the same window.

You shouldn’t be able to walk five steps without getting Starfield shoved in your face. It should be in prime time TV advert slots. There should be a trailer before the latest billion-dollar movie. It should be plastered on every bus. It should take over Times Square and Piccadilly Circus. The message should be clear: This is Bethesda’s latest RPG and if you want it (and you do), buy an Xbox.

Take control of the narrative and people will be searching for it because they’re hyped rather than because they want more Xbox negativity.


What does it matter what it was called if 360 hadn’t been the market leader it would have been more of a issue. SONY promised to revolutionized online gaming with the PS2 It never happed not that it matter with its sales.

When you are in front you get away with more be that from the press or the fans

Not Sik’s video, but someone twitted a clip from the podcast, about how Starfield won’t get a fair shake from some reviewers and media outlets, and how Microsoft should put down the gloves and fight ‘dirty’. Looking at some of the replies, I can see why DonC blocked people.

Turbovision TV: Xbox podcast gets major backlash for saying the Gaming media will purposely judge Starfield harshly


Wasn’t arguing the opposite, friend :+1:


The social media engagement for xboxera clip has been toxic. I feel like the toxicity is proving their point right because most are refusing to have a civil discussion about the video.


It also proves this point by the fact MS had publisher of the year in 2021, and that did not stop the narrative and then the first drought and or bad game put out the Xbox haters jumped on that like never before. It’s just plainly true that no matter what Xbox does their is a large portion of the gaming community that simply uses Xbox as hate fodder as part of their overall gaming hobby.

The long term narrative will NEVER change since we have Sony fans where half of their gaming hobby involves trolling Xbox and Xbox users and they click on negative Xbox articles like a crack addict.

Media pundits have figured out their is a profit motive to cater to these nut job Sony fanboys so good luck trying to reverse a literal profit motivation to trounce on Xbox.


That person had it out for Xboxera. He was really riled up about Jon’s video and clipped that segment just to troll and it worked. Too many people fell for the bait(while ignoring that he got Nick’s name wrong) and it’s sad. Sad to see so many journalists instead of using their thinking skills immediately going to shit on Xboxera. The same things that they would call out people for they did. I don’t expect everyone to agree with the points that the team have brought up but for goodness sake at least respect it.


Hardly any journalists in gaming media. Entertainment media is less serious about journalistic standards in general but gaming is the worst. It’s actually crazy how low the bar is for writers and websites in this space.


Kinda answered your own question. lol

Lol that was my point.


RROD was considered a major issue. No one in my country wanted a non jasper and after 360 model.

My country is Sony land but back then Xbox had a chance but dropped the ball: if they didn’t face those issues or charged less for online, they could have gained momentum and split the market with Sony.

It took a long while for everyone to jump on the PS3 bandwagon even when PS1 and PS2 were a monopoly.

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Some of ya’ll gotta let that go. Literally, John Linneman two weeks ago:

The Xbox One era was the only time he said he didn’t like Xbox.


So I caught up with the XNC podcast (after a self-imposed two week break), and Colteastwood and MiddleAgedGamerGuy had a bit to discuss about Starfield and how various outlets “balance” articles so that appeals to many different readers at the same time.

Nick’s opinion was referenced in this part of the podcast. MAGG mentioned how negativity sells, so in reviewing Starfield, a reviewer might mark Starfield as 80%, but in writing their piece, focus most of their review on the negative 20%.

Both Colt and MAGGS look at GameRant, and their various articles with their incendiary heading, all done as clickbait.

“Starfield’s loss is a gain for…”

Outer Worlds 2? Naughty Dog’s Sci-fi game?

Queued at the 1 hr mark, where the discussion starts, and goes on to 1 hr 38 minute mark.

Sorry but you really can’t walk this back, especially if you are in a position to judge console platforms on a highly viewed channel.

Saying the quiet part out loud like this pretty much destroys his credibility in talking about anything Xbox related.

Sadly this is how a lot of Media types seem to feel about Xbox and we see it plainly in articles and click bait crap.