Bollocks. If you drop good games on xbox people will buy them which is a CRAZY concept.
Also FF will ALWAYS be skewed against xbox because quite simply their core base is on PS and Nintendo.
Bollocks. If you drop good games on xbox people will buy them which is a CRAZY concept.
Also FF will ALWAYS be skewed against xbox because quite simply their core base is on PS and Nintendo.
Read the sales. Final Fantasy is at least usually a 4 to 1 split in favor of Sony, going back to the days of the 360 and onward. Nintendo, pretty much anything released for the Switch sells in Japan. Why would SE put anything except guaranteed ports on Xbox under those conditions? Especially when Sony/Nintendo are willing to pay upfront for what SE wants anyway to keep the status quo. This is a win/win for SE in every way from a business perspective.
If SE was a forward looking company it would’t have often bad financials and/or commercial bombs. XD
Accepting upfront money is a sign of weakness, not of wise management.
“Why aren’t the worst games in our franchise selling well on Xbox after we neglected the platform for years prior!?”
Square has been attempting to sell Burger King meals at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse prices.
What did they expect to happen?
You don’t necessarily lose portability. I’m currently on a bus trip driving through the highway and have been able to play on Xcloud, using 4g nonetheless, 5g would have been an even better experience.
The xbox one sure. Doens’t mean Series X will be the same.
Also FF15 sold over 1 million on Xbox. That pays for the port 10times over. ITs so easy to port over games to XBox that its not about making money…they’ll make money. Its creating a game for that platform to build a uasebase and make money for the future i.e Gamepass as well.
They wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of porting all the KH games and FF games to Xbox if they didn’t think it was financially worth it. IT absolutely would have been. Cheap ports and with gamepass deals and the revenue generated from the sales that more than recoups cost and more importantly just widens their market for that sort of game on another system.
SE are a fucking mess I agree. But lets be real. Theyre deep buried inside Sony’s rear end. occasionally farting support for the Xbox. Even the Switch…i mean cmon. A cloud port of KH. I don’t know how many games SE has put on Switch this gen that wasn’t some low budget niche RPG or ports of older gen games.
But I do believe the success of Series X will make SE think.
MS should invest in the western side, and aim to buy the studios and IP. Everything else from SE, leave it.
So basically 1 worthwhile studio and TR IP. And their JPN studios and IP’s are way better. And I’m not even including FF. The amount of IP’s SE has is ridiculous
Still to this day we don’t have Xenogears, Vagrant Story Valkyrie Profile or another Chrono game. A modern era AAA budget Chrono game would wipe the floor with most RPG’s out there.
What in the actual fuck. Someone needs to bitch slap SE into giving their IP’s to people who want to make them. Stop cash cowing FF every corner. Did you really need to make a shitty FF spin off? Could have made a brand new Chrono game by now or a Xenogears Remake. Vagrant Story 2. Star Ocean 2 Remake. Valkyrie Profile 3.
A full on Xenogears Remake would put FF7remake into complete irrelevancy.
The Japan side has more numerous IP, but Eidos IP is no slouch either, some of the most beloved pc games of all time (Deus Ex, Thief) plus Tomb Raider, Legacy of Kaine, Just Cause, Life is Strange
I forgot about Legacy of Kaine. And so has SE it seems. Is there another publisher who has neglected as many IP’s as SE? Can’t think of one except Nintendo but they’re gonna put out new F zero and Earthbound games one day.
Instead of making a new LoK game they make another licensed Marvel game. Fuck this company.
Sega, lol
Lots of companies around in the 90s and 00s have tons of abandoned ip unfortunately. Microsoft is not innocent of course, several rare IPs dormant, a lot of games they published in the pre Xbox and early Xbox era are not even for sale anymore and totally forgotten. Sony has abandoned nearly every ip it developed internally in the ps1 era and a lot of ps2 era ones also.
The problem is that games take like 4-5 years to make at scale now. Back then you could make a competitive vifeogame as good as most others on the market with 25 people in 18 months. The # of total games that come out from major publishers like ubisoft and EA are about 10-20% what it was back then, despite also having 5-10x more staff. It’s not even possible to keep all old ips in rotation while also creating new ones. The only way you could fix this is by making most of them indie scale and renting the IP out to such creators.
Problem is SE have put some absolute dross
Astria Ascending…are telling me we couldn’t have gotten a Valkyrie Profile instead of this mediocre game? Cmon
IDK if they are fooling with Xbox or they are serious anymore, lol, I’m hearing similar things about FF14 since 2018 at least…
Just fooling - this is about getting some seed cash to put FF14 on xbox.
If your talking about the one recently added to gamepass its nog a game that se published. It only has a connection beause the a ff writer and composer helped…square enix did not create it or publish it.
Must admit that owning both Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, I don’t have to worry about the decisions Square Enix makes in regards to timed exclusivity because whichever console it releases on first is where im playing it. I know it’s a multi-platform game but if I play Guardians of the Galaxy, it will be on Xbox Series X while next year’s Forspoken will be played on PlayStation 5 as im not waiting two years to play it on Xbox and that’s if it even gets released for Xbox when the timed exclusivity expires.
It’s mostly the Japanese games from Square Enix that will skip Xbox because they don’t sell which is true because even here, I see so many people pass on games because they will just wait to see if/when it hits Game Pass so when you have a user base with that mindset, majority simply aren’t going to buy those games and because of that, Square Enix just isn’t going to bother.
Best option would be to own both a Series X and PlayStation 5 because then, no game that gets released on either or both consoles is off limits.
Be me . Owns both consoles . Tried FFXV as his first JRPG experience . Game was dogshit garbage . Never played JRPGs again . Dont need to care about any exclusivity