Spider-Man will be exclusive to Playstation version of Avengers. PlayStation also gets exclusive and timed cosmetics, early access to Beta

I hate these deals, damn you playstation

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I just can’t support practices like this. I will not be buying the game at all now on either platform. I was originally debating picking it up early next year during down time but with SE and Sony entering into cheap exclusivity deals I’ll pass.



This is really cool for those Spider-Man fans. The game fell off my radar a long time ago, but im curious if Xbox will get a selective character.

Honestly the Sony business practices in general is one of the reasons that I won’t be getting a PS5 at launch along with my Xbox Series X, and I have owned every other PlayStation console at launch. Investing in first party content or supporting small to mid size studios with development costs for timed exclusivity is okay, but gating character content like this on a multiplatform game is just scummy. Granted the game hasn’t grabbed me that much yet to be honest anyway, but I was warming to it a little bit recently. I won’t support Marvel in this deal either, so they lost at least one sale to me on Xbox.


Ubisoft Community Manager Anno Games:

Definitely lost a sale from me

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Yea definitely boycotting the game was interested but not anymore I can’t support this crap

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I mean, ok, let’s forget about Spidey being exclusive, but this wasn’t just about Playstation players being treated as first class citizens, the game itself had to be fundamentally designed around this one move Playstation made. Crossplay had to be culled so Sony could have one character in the roster exclusive to their plastic box. You could go on and on about the beauty of capitalism and Playstation’s success with their ethos of exclusivity artificially bolstering their platform, but this here is affecting a game’s fundamental design across all platforms because one platform wanted to have their way.


Yeah, this is some serious poster child crap for everything that is wrong with Sony’s approach IMO. I guess that maybe I should be glad because it saves me money in terms of not supporting this particular game with a purchase on Xbox and from buying a PS5 for quite a while, if ever.


That’s certainly a bummer. I got really excited for the game after the last War Table, and immediately pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition as soon as the stream ended.

I’m still looking forward for the game, but this news really got me bummed and I ended up switching my Deluxe Edition pre-order for the standard edition. It’s not really a boycott since I’ve been wanting an Avengers game for a really long time, but oh well

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Not really interested in Avengers myself, but in general deals like these suck. Kinda getting the same vibe as with the Destiny deal Sony had with Activision… Could be huge get for Sony if the game hits big.

Yup. I’ll either try it on Gamepass, or not at all. If these are the deals Marvel’s interested in making, they should just make the game completely exclusive. No reason to tie your most popular character to one out of three platforms.

This is like Destiny all over again so yeah pass for me. It was looking a bit better recently too

Destiny was something else, I doubt this will make big waves. Not having crossplay will hurt this game. Will hurt the pc version and so on… In a landscape where almost any mp game approaches crossplay this really blows imo.

Call of Duty doesn’t do crossplay to give us a favour.

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No sale from me then.

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Announcing Spidey post launch for all platforms probably would have been a huge shot in the arm for the game’s prospects, which was looking a bit lackluster so far and the Hawkeye redesign didn’t seem to go down well. Making a character exclusive is a ridiculously dumb move that hampers its ability to succeed, especially when the devs had cross play ambitions to build a community which is key for Destiny style games to iterate. Ideally what Sony should have done for a more fair deal that was beneficial for them was made sure Spider-Man on the PS4/5 came with a selection of skins based on the Insomniac game and movie suits, gave some cosmetics, emotes and player cards based on the PS4 game/movies and give early access of about a week to the character to Playstation users. Still gives them “First class treatment” over other versions (Give PS5 users the Spidey 3 dance as an emote and watch copies fly) but it’s not hampering the development of other versions. As it stands, it’s like making a character class in an RPG or Destiny itself exclusive, which is as dumb as that sounds.

Even if they walk it back to timed exclusive. It’s gonna cast a very long shadow over the game which is gonna hurt it long term. And first impressions are everything for a big live service game like this.


Wasn’t really that interested in this game, based on the previews so far. Although it does suck that they’d do a deal like this.

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Thinking about it more, the thing that annoys me the most about it is that Spiderman is 100% just a side story. Crystal Dynamics/Square have pigeon holed him into a role where he can’t be a major player in the campaign, well ever, since 2/3 of the other platforms can’t access him.

That’s assuming it’s a full exclusive for the life of the game.

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The game is going to be massive. It’s avengers destiny. It’s going to sell loads. If Xbox had done this it might harm it. But Sony get a free pass and even cheered on. I suspect this will be the biggest game this holiday apart from CoD of course…,