Sony removing Cyberpunk from Store + giving full refunds

It is true rami breaks down the whole process in that Twitter thread as much as he can without losing his job. Its several tweets long.


Thatā€™s weird because Anthem bricked a lot of PS4 consoles to where it was headlines on websites. Either way, the certification process should probably be a lot more strict but it comes down to money so thatā€™s not going to happen.

It would still depend what a game is doing to brick a console. Its impossible to come up with every scenario.

Its like when you take your car in as it makes a weird noise then it doesnā€™t make that noise for them.

It is possible that the Anthem bricking situation got lost in cert. The goal of all major publishers and certifiers is to ship a game in a state where nothing like that happens but it couldā€™ve been a last minute issue/issue with the patch or never came up in the bug testing and certification process. I donā€™t recall what triggered the glitch, but if it was something like using X piece of loot as x class against x enemy while flying, that is something that may be niche in the testing stages but widely done on a game level.

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I think MS should go ahead and remove the game from the store and put it in GAME PREVIEW until itā€™s ready. That way every one understands the game ainā€™t ready. They can also include it in GAMEPASS.


I like Gamepass idea and game preview as well.

People are saying thay it will hit gamepass quicker but that just makes me said cause it wont be on gamepass PC :stuck_out_tongue:

Also CDPR, what a turn around from being the darling developer everyone loved from Witcher 3 to this. Did not expect this level of reception for Cyberpunk

Well thatā€™s an overreaction if ever I saw one. Offer a full refund path and perhaps suspend sales on PS4 would have been far more appropriate. The precedent here is huge.

Games arenā€™t certified for framerate or quality just that they donā€™t break the system or OS. But now you are opening a can of worms. Every game that doesnā€™t hit its framerate target will have idiots claiming it should be delisted.

All true but in general, the certification process should probably be more strict and have more requirements that should be met.

Pretty much this. Definitely an overreaction by Sony as they probably donā€™t want to keep giving refunds for the game. I wonder if Sony would have delisted the game if they had the marketing deal for Cyberpunk. My bet is no simply because it all comes down to money.

No one expected this but CDPR will fix the game within the next few months, release the next gen upgrade and their first expansion which will most likely be free for everyone and as long as itā€™s of high quality and obviously no issues, majority will forget all about what happened as 2020 was coming to an end.

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Well Sony is no Angel as people here are making out to be. Simply they donā€™t have an effective refund policy like MS or Steam does on PC.

The state of the game is unpardonable but this an overreaction by Sony and mostly covering their rearside as they have to take responsibility for the refunds. They are just using this opportunity to market themselves and look like good guys whereas the reality is a bit complicated.

Regarding MS I dont think they should take it of the store at all. They have a refund policy in place and doesnā€™t matter if they have marketing in place, they should stand by CDPR. One bad decision by senior management shouldnā€™t affect relationship with this extremely talented studio.

Sony also threw Hello Games (No Mans Sky) under the bus after Sony hyped up the game through the moon and as soon as it came out in a state it was they threw them under the bus without taking any responsibility.


Massive overreaction by Sony, who simply refuse to put in place an effective refunds system. People trumpeting this as pro-consumer should dig a little deeper beneath the surface to discover the corporate greed at PlayStation which caused this issue.

CP2077 is unplayable on last gen, itā€™s undeniable. Additionally, for Sony, it runs almost as bad on PS5 also - while at least a good experience is possible on both next gen Xbox consoles.

This move is obviously born from the lazy refunds policy in play, but it smacks of bitterness towards CDPR for going further with the Xbox platform than their own. A warning shot to other developers for the future, too.

Now seems a good time for MS to stand by CDPR IMO.


I think so too. This move pretty much gives future edge to MS for the next CDProjects game.


So its being removed from the PS5 as well?

Seems a rather strange decision, many games with bad performance and bugs have released on PSN, digital foundry even mentioned GTA5 on ps3 which had pretty bad framerate and the online component was even more broken then cyberpunk.

This honestly seems like a ā€œgood guy sonyā€ publicity stunt, but I dont know why they would think this is a good idea.

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Damn Sony ainā€™t playing around lol, yeesh seems like this whole thing on consoles is a goddamn mess.

This is crazy. Unprecedented, to be honest. Is the game really running that badly on base PS4? What about base Xbone?

Iā€™ve seen the video clips of the glitches & bugs. I know the gameā€™s open world aspects are in an unfinished state (as Iā€™ve already said once or twice), but I was under the impression that itā€™s still playable from start to finish. Iā€™m playing on 1X & yes, it was a mess at launch. The first patch last weekend greatly improved things though, to the point that Iā€™ve pretty much had a smooth experience this week.

Had one example last night, where I suddenly stopped doing damage & taking damage in a gunfight. I loaded the last autosave, which was from the start of the fight. It made no difference. I saved & quit out the game. Restarted & it was fine again.

Thatā€™s the only annoying glitch Iā€™ve had since the patch. Iā€™ve dealt with stuff like that several times over the years (most notably with Bethesda titles) & it honestly doesnā€™t bother me too much. Iā€™ve seen & survived games with worse glitches. Does this game, suddenly, honestly need to be pulled from the storefront?! Thatā€™s wild.

Sony must of thought LICHDOM BATTLEMAGE brought a high level of customer satisfaction :joy::joy::joy:



Honestly hope that MS donā€™t follow suit because of pressure or anything.

They probably willā€¦