Sony removing Cyberpunk from Store + giving full refunds

It’s unlikely, I think. MS have marketing for the game and it’s everywhere - Forza Horizon tie-ins, CP2077 branded consoles, the icons on the dashboard. Heck, it’s even on the Series S box.

I don’t think the need is as strong either. It’s far from perfect but it’s still a good experience on Series X/S, especially in Quality mode. Anyone expecting a next gen patch to do much more than this, with RTX support, is expecting too much.

And, finally, MS actually have a good refunds system which Sony ultimately refuse to implement out of greed. I hope Xbox stays the course and solidifies it’s already strong relationship with CDPR as a result. In the good games and the not so good ones.


Do you know how it runs on the One X? That console isn’t a slouch either.

I have a day one Xbox One (so less powerful than the One S, even) And I’m used to sub 1080p visuals at a struggling frame rate. I’m impressed by how Fortnite runs on the One S, for example. That’s how bad it gets. So for me some of these issues would be par for the course.

I really like the idea of putting this into Game Preview though. Gives everybody a chance to buy it, knowing that performance may be an issue now but will only get better from here on out.

So this was actually an agreement between CDPR & Sony. Seems like it was required in order to facilitate the refunds. I should’ve clicked the links & read up on the situation before commenting previously.

Still, never seen this before.

You’re not seeing the big picture here. Microsoft just got another exclusive (joking of course).

Oh, reading the sony tweet it sounds like its purely sonys decision.

I got that game for $2 at the local pawn shop. It’s much better now, no?

Talk about an unprecedented action for a major game and somewhat understandable because the performance on base PS4 is just not acceptable.

However, there have been plenty of games that have been or are in just as bad state, so why Cyberpunk all of a sudden? Just because it has gotten enough attention? That’s simply not good enough because Sony would have known the issues as well via the certification process and they thought it was ok then. The game will improve, but as DF mentioned in their piece, there is likely going to be only so much they can do due to simple hardware limits.

Also, I bet this is making other publishers worried about their cross generational games because I guarantee you Cyberpunk will not be the only offender.


pretty weird that they would delist when the game is widely available in disc form, leaving the hot potato to the retailers

edit: ah well if it’s in agreement with cdpr, scratch this post

Unprecedented! At least it gives a big wake up call to all these companies releasing games in unacceptable state with the mentality of release it now broken, patch it later.

I never saw such move for such a big AAA. Hope it will set a reset on the standard like in the past when when got our products finished, polished and complete on release.

Good move from Sony. But Sony & MS should check their certification standard and include more QA cause even on QA it should have not passed the test.

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Yeah CDPR put out an official statement saying they made this agreement to help with the refunds.

I would love Sony and Microsoft to up their certification standards, but I doubt they will. I am not going to give Sony too much credit because they knew full well the game was not fit to release on base consoles, but gave the green light anyway because at the end of the day, they want their royalties. It is only because of the blowback that Sony has decided to do the PR move and offer refunds. If there was no blowback do you honestly think Sony would have done this? I highly doubt it.

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After patch 1.04 the game is running well on One X. Some general RPG bugs; however, nothing major as of now for me.

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Hmmm, and its not the first time they’ve done this - they ‘Believed in Generations’ for months and let Xbox take all the gamer-PR flak for supporting cross-gen content - until Sony announced that some 1st party games were also coming to PS4.


Ah yeah for sure on that I agree on that cause I think there were some games in same state or maybe worse in the past which were still around on the store but now with CDPR the backlash around is really high and it could cost them some rep, I think they don’t want to lose momentum on ps5 or be affected by that.

Doesn’t excuse the state of the game or other companies to let games pass cert tests easily like that for sure.

I don’t think MS will remove the game from stores since they have a better refund policy and the game is on a whole ecosystem with multiple platorms involved.

I think all studios should put the utmost care in QA. However it is not Sony and Microsofts job to police game quality of third party developers. I also believe there is some onus on the consumer to know what they are buying and look at reviews and gameplay of the version they are getting. If you choose to pre-order and be an early adopter there is some risk in that.

Its like going into the store to buy a toaster. There could be 10 different toasters and should they all be the same quality ideally? yes in a perfect world, but we know that’s not true. If I buy a shitty toaster because I didn’t do my research that’s partially on me for buying a shitty toaster without looking into it. Yes, the store should have some blame for carrying a bad brand of toaster. However, shame on the manufacturer for allowing such a bad toaster brand to be sold. I don’t expect Macys, target, walmart, wherever you are shopping to police and test every toaster. Nor, do I expect sony and microsoft to police and test every game in the store.

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That’s not how cert works. Certification is about making sure the game doesn’t constantly crash and making sure it meets the bare min requirements for publication. Has nothing to do with bugs unless those bugs break things so badly they cause routine crashes, break achievements, etc.


I said talked abut this on other era.

Yes, you are right about the certification process is there to ensure consoles are not bricked etc. However, in Sony’s press statement they talk about ensuring a ‘high level of customer satisfaction.’ If that is the case, then maybe platform holders, like Sony, need to change their certification process to ensure what they say. I would be flabbergasted that at least some of the issues with Cyberpunk were not picked up in cert, so someone at Sony would have at least had some idea the game on PS4 was extremely rough. Now, if that was relayed to upper management is another story, but it goes back to my point about what Sony themselves said.

I know I talked about Sony, but it applies to all the platform holders if they come out boasting about ensuring high customer satisfaction. They are in total control over their platform and they can enforce any rules they want to ensure their own customers get an acceptable experience with the games they purchase.