Sony could go BIG at TGA, and Xbox HAS to do the same AKA I'm going crazy without news

On a serious note, Microsoft and Sony don’t have to do shit right now. Both consoles are always sold out they can’t make enough so there isn’t even choice on the market now really. People keep saying stuff like oh but the narrative right now is bad for X but in reality, it does not matter, just because you see digital foundry videos saying Xbox isn’t doing well doesn’t really mean shit right now but only to fanboys trying to get a 1 up on the other.

People are acting like this is 2013 all over again when it’s not even remotely close, back in 2013 people despised of Xbox and didn’t want to even look at it and we’re not at that point now not even close. They can show games and stuff now but it’s not going to result in sales because they can’t make enough consoles. If they announce games now what are they going to announce during E3 time next year? if they announce so early people will get fed up hearing about the same games again in 6 months.

Look at the Bethesda news they dropped it right before preorders to help with sales and their public perception and I think that worked. I would only think they would show CGI teasers for upcoming games but that just pisses people off so what else can they do?

I think the thing they will most likely do is maybe show 1 game with a little gameplay then maybe a few CGI teasers then 6 months time show those games at a bigger event. MS could always just announce they bought EA or UBI and that would take out any announcement :stuck_out_tongue: I jest of course.

I think people really need to just calm down a bit, I feel like some Xbox fans have PTSD from 2013 launch. Let me remind you Xbox has 23 teams now from 5 in 2013…


Though I think you could say that the responses here demonstrate this forum’s ability to look at things logically in a cool-headed manner, and with fairness.

Which is a pretty uncommon thing on the internet!


Are we really expecting Bluepoint to deliver a new game so soon after just releasing Demon Souls? How does a new God of war take only 3 years to make (1 year of dev time during covid), it is really a full game or another Miles Morales? or a shorter game? Even the new Horizon is taking 4 years. This just screams of some fanboy wishlist.

Taking these awards seriously isn’t worth it. They’re basically just the MTV awards but for video games. Its a dumb and fun show with hopefully some cool game announcements.


Some sanity at last. Xbox also aren’t driven by the insane desire some seem to have here to be able to do some oneupmanship online for a week. People are far far far too obsessed with what other people online say. Yet the reality is that people will have the same views regardless. Xbox didn’t have a strong first party lineup was the constant complaint. Now they have far and away the strongest lineup in the industry and it’s suddenly all about games now right now, now. You can’t win those sort of nutters over and it’s best they concentrate on the audience that is receptive to them. And expanding that via PC and xcloud.

I’m starting to think Sony is going down a route of having 15-25hr expansions give or take to their games like Miles Morales, I can see every 6 years they release a base game then 2-3 years later a 15-25hr expansion then another 2-3 years later another base game.

There is only one way to stop all the complaints (many valid for sure) and that is to just release good games. We wouldn’t even be here right now if MS released a critically claimed game, Xbox needs a GoW / Spiderman / Ghost of Tsushima. I honestly think it’s going to take a few HUGE games before the “Xbox has no games” or “Xbox has no good games” MS needs to give people a reason to speak in a positive light.

We saw this first hand when they announced the Bethesda deal, I saw people who hardcore shit talk Xbox every second of the day stand back and actually say oh shit that’s a good deal for Xbox, they need many of these things to “sit” at the table with Sony in the more general gaming mindset.

People have just defaulted back to the same arguments because there isn’t anything positive about Xbox to them, I am extremely happy with everything but these hardcore guys will jump at anything.

The narrative won’t change until Xbox has a without a doubt game of the year game, which is going to be very hard for them to do because they have been put to a higher standard to achieve that. There will always be people who say the game is trash just because it’s an Xbox game but once they start to win over bigger media people the tide can turn.

I have so much faith in Xbox right now because of all the progress they have made, 23 bloody studios now up from 5 how does that not restore at least a little bit of faith in people. If MS can’t get at least 1 GOTY praised size game in the next idk 6 years from any of the 23 studios then I would understand why people think Xbox will never be good.

Thing is Xbox right now have been good enough for me but that’s probably because I’m really easy.

I liked all these games;

Bleeding Edge (rip) Dead Rising 3 + 4 Forza Horizon 3 + 4 Forza Motorsport 6 + 7 Gears 5 Gears Tactics Halo MCC Halo 5 Halo Wars 2 (one of my favourite games this gen, crazy I know) Quantum Break Crackdown 3 Ryse Son of Rome State of Decay Grounded Ori

So to me this gen wasn’t that bad and I know I’m most likely in the minority and people aren’t as laid back / easy to please as me but for myself I had a great gen. Sometimes the complaints about stuff Xbox does bleeds into what I think even though I have no issue which is probably a bad thing too because If I’m having fun and enjoying things why should I be letting the shit people say change my mind or make me think differently about something I actually like.

Sorry for the life story haha, but I think a lot of people have fallen into what I said in the last bit and getting upset or sad about the games they love because people around them talk shit about it. Anyway just my 2c, last thing I wanted to say was we all should chill on comparing everything all the time and actually enjoy the games we get to play. I don’t mind a bit of shit talking as long as it’s in the fun sense and not making shit up or just straight up lying.

That would be a good strategy for them, would allow them to keep somewhat on pace with Xbox when it comes to releases in the future. These expansions don’t seem to be derided as much as DLCs, and you get your audience to pay almost full price. They won’t sell as much as the main game but I think they’ll do well enough for Sony to be happy.

We gamers are just an insatiable bunch uh?

I mean, since X19 last year they showed SX, Hellblade 2, literally announced dozens of exclusives, including the return of some beloved franchises like Fable, brought EA Play to gamepass, bought Bethesda and somehow despite some being absolute megatons that’s still not enough for a single year and now they MUST have even more bombs to drop at TGA or else!

I like announcements as much as anyone else, but geesh. Calm down people XD


Yeah, I think people are perfectly ok with paying $70 for expansions to games now. I don’t think fans of the game have been complaining much about paying for it as like it was a brand new one which is interesting to me. The games have massive pull so I think that’s what gets it across the line and people just want more of the game. But yeah doing this method would help a lot with tackling Xbox like you said, also didn’t Jim Ryan or someone at Sony say that big 5-6 year game cycles is not sustainable which just sorta proves my point more.

This is exactly what I mean about Xbox having to do more to gather the same amount of hype as if another company announced these things, could you imagine the amount of hype and stuff if all this was done by Sony. To me it feels like Xbox must always have Bethesda type hype moments for people to speak about Xbox in a positive light which is a big messed up.


I agree, and imo that behavior is made worst when Xbox fans fall into the fud and start behaving the same putting Xbox into impossible to meet standards.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t just hype anything just because it’s Ms or constantly makes excuses for everything (a behavior that you see a lot regarding Playstation) but let’s be reasonable. Ms already had one of the biggest years in gaming history regarding announcements. Both in the amount of games announced and in the size of them. So let’s appreciate how they managed to deliver all that in the middle of a pandemic, while still having to launch a console.


Alot of people act like a game doesn’t exist until they see some gameplay, they dismiss games that have shown cinematics like they don’t exist, maybe when they do see some gameplay they’ll shut up but they probably won’t. I’m ok with the current formula of Cinematic trailer>Gameplay trailer>Extended Gameplay. Gameplay is never shown early because the gameplay continually evolves, when fans see changes, they complain. People asked for Xbox to show what they’re working on and they did but people cried about gameplay. How can you expect to see gameplay of games that are 3 years away? Doesn’t make any sense when people complain about this stuff.


100% it goes to show people have very short memories. It’s like a drug to some people where announcements are more exciting to them than actually playing the games. I’ll admit the Bethesda announcement did feel like a drug because how massive it was haha and I guess people just miss that “winning” / good feeling.

I don’t even know if we’ll ever get a big announcement like Bethesda again in all honesty.

The people who cried about no gameplay aren’t the ones who want to play the game, I think they’re mostly just fanboys trying to take a dig. We have companies showing a logo for a game and that gets hyped ffs which just points me to people being fanboys.


I don’t care what PlayStation is doing.

Like not even alittle.

These posts are tiring.


Just buy a Playstation man.


Just have some standards, man.

That’s absolutely fine.

You should purchase a PlayStation.


Why would I? I’m enjoying my Xbox.

You consistently post about what PS is doing. On a Xbox forum.

Please man. Just buy a PS and post on that forum.

For the love of god, just one place on the internet for Xbox fans would be nice.


No I don’t.

Ragnarok is probably a Morales cross-gen release that will give a closure to the Norse story arc before Kratos moving on to Egypt or something.

Also why should we care about what Sony will do at the Game Awards? 2020 has been an amazing year for Xbox and instead of doom and gloom posting we should be optimistic for the future. Xbox now has a plethora of very talented 1st party teams working on a lot of games as we speak, Japanese and indie support is getting better and better, BC is fuckin’ amazing, both new consoles are awesome hardware wise and launch was smooth af.

Let’s be patient and stay positive guys, I think Phil and the Xbox team deserve better than doom and gloom miserable responses.

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