Rumor - Halo Infinite Multiplayer to drop on Tuesday

Hype levels rising. I would be excited to be able to play it earlier than expected, especially because the 20th anniversary would be so fitting for its release.

As far as BF2042 etc., games release back to back all the time, so I don’t see a problem with it. And honestly, I’m gonna let MS worry about their partners, that’s really not our problem. I don’t think the general public would complain at all.

Ffs look at what EA did to their OWN game in Titanfall lol they’re the kings at launching back to back titles. :joy:


Exactly! Happens all the time, even from publishers to their own games.

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I don’t believe it


It seems like a weird move, but I don’t think there is anything about it that is an actual problem.

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I don’t think this is actually going to happen but I can kind of see why they’d want to. I don’t think Xbox is going to be in a place where they can sit and worry about what partner game they are going to hurt by their own games release dates when in the future they will be releasing games at such a high clip that this will just be unavoidable. People are raving about Horizon, it’s the game being talked about. 24 million people played 4. Releasing Halo multiplayer is not going to hurt that game at all. They seem to have a lot of confidence in Halo MP so if you get it out early and the two games everyone is talking about are on Xbox and tied to Gamepass that’ll be a huge deal heading into the shopping season. Yea Series X are selling out no matter what but I’ve seen plenty of Series S out in the wild and I bet this combo can move a lot of those consoles and increase subs. Plus it’s just a win for the team. When was the last time two Xbox games had this much positive buzz going on around them?

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But, do you want to? :wink:

Now I gotta explain to my casual friends that they have to sub to Gamepass to play the FREE Multiplayer lol

IF it happens… it will be completely free to play multiplayer, you won’t have to be subbed to Gamepass imo.

IF this is true, I wonder if that’s why some were saying the show is gonna be a must watch.


Alright, let’s see the pulse of the community.

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Release November 15th:

  • It’s happening!
  • Not gonna happen!

0 voters

I think if it’s not true they will come out before the event and say so, might not be now but in like a day or so. No way could they let this rip right until the event lol they’re not that dumb greenie already told us to temper our expectations for no new game news they wouldn’t let this build up but then again they’ve done stupid shit like that before.

Bloody hell this is really building up lol

I really have no idea at this point lol.

I dont even.

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This could be a final tech preview or beta. At least that’s what I hope it is. Otherwise, I am not sure if I like this move at all.

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I bought Vanguard on Wednesday just to have a shooter to mess around with until Infinite came out. If I payed 70$ to play a game for a couple days that’s going to hurt lol.

People keep saying “I don’t like this” but refuse to elaborate on why.

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I bet it’s 1 more beta that’s open to all.