Rumor - Halo Infinite Multiplayer to drop on Tuesday

I’m not ready to be honest. I’m so deep into Forza Horizon 5 right now.

Forza ain’t going anywhere

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Joseph Staten himself said at E3 that both SP and MP will launch together. That’s my reason for now.


Okay? That’s a reason why it might not happen, that’s not a reason why you shouldn’t like this. Game developers lie all the time.

Xbox Two is live right now.

Rand: “I’ll be straight-up, we’ve been hearing for a month that this is a possibility. I don’t think Nate would put that out there if he was unsure. It seems like a lot of people are now telling each other it’s true.”

Jez: “I cannot confirm it. I’m not putting my name on that. But I don’t think Nate would put that out there if it wasn’t true.”




I trust him 100%

It’s happening then.

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There isn’t a release date for halo infinite on the Microsoft store :face_with_monocle:

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Game has been cancelled


I personally do not believe it but I’d love to be wrong.

Usually when there’s a rumor and no one credible can confirm it, then it just ends up being a rumor and speculation.

Remember when everyone heard about 5 studios being acquired?

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Good thing monday is a holiday here



I wonder if this is MS doing a test to see the effects of launching two big games back 2 back in game pass, this is perfecting timing to test something like this for future releases.

I don’t like this please I have so much in my plate currently

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It’s the poor souls who bought BF


Curious if 50GB is for the whole game or just the MP?

just the MP, campaign will tack on as a DLC

I’m not ready for it :sob: and have things I need to finish first