Resident Evil Village OT

Yeah, I get the feeling. I started on easy to learn the game and not get too frustrated. It is quite bit more action heavy than RE7 for sure. You get weapons quite early, so you can defend yourself. Ammo are not scarce and you can craft your own stuff (ammunition and healing items). Enemies can be bullet sponges, but aim for the head and you’ll be fine. I’m still early, but the game is quite generous.

I really like it. Atmosphere is great, environments are open so you can take your time to learn the map, search for items, ect. I was afraid it would be too overwhelming, but on the contrary, you can backtrack if you missed something, go at your own pace like RE 1 or 4.


You have sold me, thanks!!! Now the only decision is whether to get it for the Ps5 or Series X. I don’t have any PS5 games but the Series version has VRR and I just purchased a LGCX tv. Decisions decisions haha.


There is no wrong answer for this one. Both versions are great. I think it’s just a matter of features (Dualsense/VRR) and what platform you’re more comfortable with for this particular game. :slightly_smiling_face:

Easy is really too easy. I should have started on normal. Maybe I should restart. Don’t make the same mistake. :laughing:

After listening to some reviews I have been thinking about playing it on Hardcore. Particularly the Kind of Funny one where Blessing basically admitted he didnt know how to play the game anf still finished with just the Pistol and Shotgun.


Wow, Capcom really wanted people to finish the game this time ! Yeah, I have so many bullets and use nothing of my items. Most enemies die in one shotgun shell. I think I’m ruining the experience at this point. I think I will restart… Damn it !


Yeah, I don’t remember all the details but it was something along the line of he didn’t know you could upgrade the storage, so he finished the game with the storage you start with.

I think Tim Gettys said that he was an OP killing machine by halfway through the game as well. But I don’t think either specified what difficulty they played on.

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How the hell didn’t he realize that you could upgrade the suitcase? it’s the first thing on Duke’s supplies section… :roll_eyes:

It’s really funny how some reviewers are bitching about a game not being challenging enough when they choose to play on easy or even normal, if you don’t want the challenge for whatever reason then go for it (though it is still debatable if this is the best way to judge a game’s quality) but choosing the lower difficulties and then complaining about the lack of immersion or engagement is laughable. Horror games benefit greatly from the harder difficulties…the resource management, the forward planning and decision making, being forced to explore the mechanics of the game, the tension e.t.c. all of those really add to the experience IMO.

@Jeans If you haven’t progressed enough I’d say that restarting on normal will be totally worth it. I am playing on hardcore and it’s challenging but really really fun, much better balanced than RE7’s Madhouse so far IMO.

Also the game is freakin’ awesome, the castle area is amazingly designed and the combat scenarios/pacing is sublime. It really helps too that the game is so much richer in terms of content when compared to RE7, game is filled with secrets and awards exploration. I am having a great time so far.

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Who didn’t know that they could upgrade the inventory space?

Blessing on Kind of Funny.

Oh wow. I don’t know anyone could miss that for an entire game. I could see missing it the first time but the entire game? SMH.

So I played the demo on a Xbox one S and thought it ran pretty good except for the input delay, but doe’s anyone know how the full game will run on the console before I buy it?

This excites me, I don’t mind a horror game if I know I’m provided with the tools to fight back. Hearing this one is generous with ammo, it excites me. Just played the demo, completed the village level, I liked it.


Really enjoying it so far. Started on normal difficulty…normal, to this point, seems too easy.

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If you have VRR SX version is a no brainer. You can use RT and have it not impact the experience at all.

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The delay is an stupid option for accelerating the movement, just turn it to none and it will be much better.

Agree, game is butter smooth even with RT on the Series X. Impressive indeed.


Game is pretty good. Don’t like Ethan though. Please bring back franchise staples not this weak idiot

So far I like it more than 7. I’m past the castle and in the house of the second lord (Debenevieto or whatever it is).

And I’ll be honest, I don’t like/dislike Ethan any more or less than any other RE character. In not sure I understand the affection for the other series mainstays. The are all generally uninteresting, wooden, and have equally terrible dialog.

Finished the second area yesterday and the game is amazing so far, I like it much more than RE7 too (RE7 is still a very good game of course)…it really is an evolution of the RE7 formula in all aspects. Level design is more complex, enemy variety is better and they are more fun to fight than the molded, there are a LOT of secrets, puzzles are more varied and not as brain dead easy, the RE4 style economy/resource management makes things more interesting and actually pushes you to explore even more, better weapon variety and the new additions of push back after blocking and quick weapon switching spice things up in terms of combat.

Also the Xbox One X version is surprisingly good with great visual quality (the material quality is insane) and holds the 60fps pretty good, the game on SX with RT on should look completely bonkers.

Everyone who wants a fair and fun challenge should try Hardcore.

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