Resident Evil Village OT

Ok, so here we go. Resident Evil VIllage (RE8) Demo will be available in less than 6 hours from now on Xbox platform.

You can already preload the demo by searching from the Xbox store (also available on Steam, Playstation Store, Stadia). It’s ~9GB on Series X|S.

Demo is limited to 60 min playtime, but you now have one week to play it (so until after the full game launches).

So feel free to give your impressions and discuss.

Full game lauching on may 7th on Xbox One/X/Series X|S/PS4/PS4 Pro/PS5/PC/Stadia.


Might stay up tonight until 1am to play it. I just hope it plays and looks decent and isn’t too far behind PS5, otherwise it’s going to be a PR nightmare for them.


I think it’s equal to PS5. They aren’t allowed to be better than it but there would be no reason to not be equal to it.

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We shall see. No doubt there will be comparisons tomorrow onward. There is zero reason the game shouldn’t be able to look identical but perform better. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the other way, not with Capcom and ps5.

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It’s live and the demo is looking really promising. Think RE7 in a RE4 setting. Technically really impressive as well. I’m more interested in the game now


The ray tracing on the Series S was really bad. I didn’t noticed it and just seemed to make the game run worse. The framerate was not fixed at 30, it seemed to range from as low as 20~ to 40 (just guessing, gonna wait for that DF analysis to see). I’ll definitely play it with ray tracing off when it releases.

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Thought about downloading the demo but since the game is now five days away, I figured that im better off just waiting because if I get into the demo and then it ends, I will be like, this sucks, I have to wait until Friday anyway. lol.

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Seems like a case of parity shenanigans. X locks to 60fps in RT mode better, indicating some headroom.

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It makes sense. There is no way to purposefully make the Series X version drop frames more/the same as PS5. That “45 fps” thing they had listed a few weeks ago made me think they had to introduce a cap so that Series X would have no way of running better than PS5, but that would be an awful solution to achieve it (45 fps would not look good at all)

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It looks to be running between 30-40, too bad this is too low for VRR to help out.

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Game looks beautiful. I won’t be playing it at launch but I’m excited nonetheless.

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I downloaded the demo via the Xbox app. Whenever I tried to play it, it said I couldn’t – so I thought it was still too early.

A few hours later I’ve seen many people talking about the demo, but I still couldn’t play it.

Now I realized that since I downloaded the demo via the app, I never actually claimed the demo on the store, so I didn’t have it.

Now I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to try it…

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From what I can tell VRR is not engaging at all in this game. There are similar games where it doesn’t activate I think because it has to have VSync enabled as well but I may be wrong. It would be a massive missed opportunity if VRR is not able to be used as it would be perfect for the ray tracing mode. I know quite a few people were hoping to use VRR. Has anyone had a similar experience or has VRR working? I have seen this quite a few times in the past with other 60fps titles that don’t engage VRR. I think it may be because it needs VSync to be activated but am honestly not sure.

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As far as I know VRR is only supported from 40 - 120fps. So if your framerate falls below 40fps it won’t work. So far everything I have played worked really well. Especially the 120fps modes on a lot of games. You can only notice framedrops if framerate tanks really hard, other than that all my games are buttery smooth since series x.

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There was some drama on the internet earlier about this game and an insider’s claims about console performance or something right? Does this address that? Are they vindicated or discredited?

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I finished the first location. I have 30 minutes left for the other location. Will play that after dinner.

Is it just me or is aiming a little…sluggish or like a delay almost? I had a hard time hitting the baddies.

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Someone told me recently that this weird aim is intentional. It increases tension.

Ah, that actually makes sense. Ethan probably also isn’t too skilled with a gun.

Man I must have emptied all my bullets, thank God I could craft some at that moment, haha.

I saw on another forum that the aiming is off on Xbox only. Something about diagonals? Hopefully if that’s the case it’ll be fixed.

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Ok if that’s true, that’s not good. Should be identical in all versions.

Word of warning, you need to enable raytracing in the options from the main menu first. It was disabled for me at default.