Redfall Discussion Thread

Really interested in how they pull off the co op. Im expecting options galore

I think you nailed it and “co-op” effectively adds a multiplier to the things that can be accomplished in an immersive sim.

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Thanks! Yeah, a ton of exciting potential for co-op in immersive sim design. Only two attempts that jump to mind are Blackout Club and System Shock 2.

No. I’m thinking E3 overview trailer if it’s releasing August/September. If it gets delayed to 2023, we probably see the gameplay reveal for it and then a bigger trailer at The Game Awards.

Nice!!! I didn’t know GamesRadar was doing a Future Games Show in March. I will have to remember that.

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What you say sounds fantastic and yeah, this has the potential to be Arkane’s biggest commercial hit for the reasons you mention. I hope it to be more Borderlands like than left for dead though (as there were some rumors saying the later)

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ya’ll do realize redfall has been in development longer than deathloop, right.

“more polished” lol

Well aware. Redfall is a massive open world the size of BOTW and Ghost of Tsushima (based off the leaks) with 4 player co-op, tons of new mechanics including a real time reactive day night cycle, a fully fledged loot system and more.

Deathloop is literally 4 levels about half the size of a Dishonored 2 one with pre-existing daytime conditions for the 4, a power set lifted entirely from Dishonored and was made by a team 1.5x the size of Austin’s.

None of this is to say that Redfall will be bad. It has had a longer dev cycle, more time to be backed by MS’s resources, I have reason to suspect both Id and especially Roundhouse are helping on the game and Unreal Engine brings with it some macro level efficiencies that Void/Id Tech doesn’t have, but realistically, based on what’s been revealed, I have reason to suspect that Redfall will have more to bite off. And naturally there will be a bit less polish there due to scope. It’s like comparing Outer Worlds to Fallout 4 or hell, TLOU 2 to Ghost of Tsushima. It’s still going to be a polished game, it’s just a more complex one.

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Im just wondering what the gameplay loop is going to be

I’m curious if this will be pitched as a GaaS, or if they intend to keep the game as an Arkane immersive sim but with co-op and looter elements.

I hope the game has enough to distinguish it from all the other L4D-likes that are launching this year / last year.

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How do you ask Grubb questions? I’d like to know if he’s heard anything about Avowed and the claim that it won’t be shown this year.

Grubbsnax is a Giant Bomb Premium (paid) only show. So probably by being a member and being there live. Perhaps even super chats on top of that, but not sure.

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The teaser for this game couldn’t be more meh for me, but the leaked screenshots got me hyped, really like the graphical style of the environments.

Unlike most of you, i don’t care about single player, i enjoy coop games, i just hope this one doesn’t look like the typical clone that we’re used to see lately, but i got faith on Arkane, this can be their biggest game.

those Screens are old I do think the game will look vastly different when revealed. Remeber Halo ? :smiley:

I doubt this will happen but I’d love to have a PvP mode where you can be the vampires.

Like my new shirt? Just came in the mail. Wearing it to Uncharted because I’m chaotic neutral like that.


Invasion as vampires would be amazing.


Still a sick logo and tagline.

Super excited for this in the most cautiously optimistic way I possibly can.:joy:

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Hah, that’s me too.

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That looks so cool!

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Damn you Deo!!!

Here I thought there was some news on the game or something. SMH.

Nice shirt though!!