PS5 hands-on are here!

He never attached the stand for vertical orientation, only mentioned needing it for when horizontal :rofl:

Quite honestly I’m jealous of the harptik feedback and adaptive triggers.

See my choice for xbox is simple gamepass safe on money etc. and I also like xbox first party waay more BUT damm this controller gets me. You can’t just replicate that.

I would love this feature. I won’t get a ps5 anytime soon :frowning:

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They seem to have included HDMI 2.0 cable instead of 2.1

Wait, seriously?


Oh wow. Is there a guiness world record for largest console? It’s a big boi

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I thought it would be big, but I didnt expect this :hushed:


Some interesting nuggets re running console in this one, astro’s playroom estimated length 2 hrs, 10Gb install.

To be fair, a Series X wouldn’t fit in that. :stuck_out_tongue:

True, but i knew that since its unveiling in 2019. Typical sony to penny pinch, make cheap packaging and make the console crazy big so they dont have to spend more in a vapour chamber. It will be great if the console is quiet but from an engineering standpoint its clear sony is unnecessarily cost sensitive.

It looks terrible crammed in that cabinet. That can’t be good for air flow…

I can’t fathom how anyone would think this console is a looker

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The controller does seem great. What are the chances of Xbox bringing out a controller with haptics down the line?

So with the whole RDNA2 stuff in mind, we might get that info now. But I wonder, are DF allowed to open it up though?

There is no guarantee that they will talk about consoles tomorrow. I think today, the embargo has been lifted about the unobxing, and November 6th will be for the software.

That is one huge and ugly brick. From a design perspective it doesn’t have any redeeming features whatsoever IMO. At least it will be quiet.

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Probably none unless it’s the new big thing => referring to the wii

Never say never.
