[PLEASE READ STAFF POST] Microsoft says they have committed to Sony that they will keep Call of Duty and other titles on Playstation "beyond the existing agreement and into the future so that Sony fans can continue to enjoy the games they love."




I don’t play Cod, but this is oddly disappointing.

Maybe it will be a Psychonauts situation. Other platforms get worse versions and have to pay full price while Xbox/PC users get the best version and game pass?

At the time of Zenimax, I came to an understanding that exclusives are important to sell consoles. CoD is probably the biggest game that can do so. So it’s a little confusing to me now.

Never enjoyed games being taken away from other platforms. But I do wish for xbox to gain player base.


What games do ACTI/BLIZZ make for Switch?

They will never do that. Lawsuits waiting to happen.

Again, MS operating on a level that is just outside console warring nonsense. They are just doing what is best for MS and their shareholders. Leverage some products with exclusivity to make GP attractive. When an I.P. is more beneficial and profitable being on all platforms then do that.

I have said before that I think if MS could get GP on Playstation then they wouldn’t hesitate. Almost all big companies are pivoting heavily to cloud and services. It is not about locking people out but about getting everyone in.

In the end, the more money MS make the more they can invest in new studios and existing studios to make great games. Surely thats what matters…right ?


Makes sense - for multiplayer games in general they’re better off being on as many platforms as possible and they’re gonna have World of Warcraft (totally coming to other platforms), Call of Duty, Overwatch and so on. I don’t think this news really changes anything - single player games will likely still be exclusive. It’s ALL gonna be on game pass and I think Activision as a company will be better run under Microsoft.

Only crash bandicoot

Ya know I have to say…I actually respect PlayStation for not trying to hide who they are and what they do, at least I know up front what I’m getting.

It just feels like MS wants to try and do it all…compete and buy studios and publishers, make this exclusive but not this, be the good guy…

At least Sony is transparent in how they operate…I 100% believe they would’ve made all things Destiny exclusive in a second if it wouldn’t have been a deal breaker with Bungie.


That happened on Psychonauts 2.


Both franchises barely as popular as COD/Diablo/Overwatch in today’s market and don’t offer another mtx cash pool like those 3 series for other platforms because Crash/Spyro is mostly SP-focused. But I dunno Satya and Phil aren’t consistent with their own damn words.

I believe Overwatch 2 was promised a Switch version

I’d rather they’d spent that money on smaller studios or publishers and kept those IPs exclusive.

Let’s see if Sony can play good guy with the moneyhatting now.


if you’re a fan, you should want MS to make the most money while securing more games for the MS platform, no? this is that.

they are doing this because they’ve calculated this makes them the most money (more money=more games) or regulators are forcing them too (which i doubt)


What happened with Psychonauts 2 is that they delivered what they promised which was a PS4 version. Xbox funded 2 years of the game and got a native next gen version as a result.


Diablo 4 was announced for PS4 and Overwatch 2 should be on every platform as well. They are making a lot of money in esport and mtx. Bigger audience, more money.

After that idk. ABK Singleplayer games should be exclusive, but most their money makers are Multiplayer games.

nah i think any GAAS MP game would be multiplatform, you already put the big dogs there why not do for the same these type of games needs Players ?

SP only games would be exclusive

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Overwatch as well


Playstation have been actively trying to push Microsoft out of the industry for a decade…

Sorry if I don’t fall for the camp fire kumbaya bullshit. :rofl: