Playstation Showcase OT: NOT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY

That’s what a company that lacks the ability to actually put out first party titles tends to say.

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No he’s right. Although I doubt Death Stranding 2 is close. Who knows tho?

Its the same for all companies, if the company owns the IP people consider it first party

Some will call it 2nd party but most don’t, all people care about is if it’s exclusive or not


Yep. For example, Nintendo didn’t make Metroid Dread in house, but it is considered a first party game.

More than anything I just see that showcase as a byproduct of the typical cycle of arrogant sony coming and going.

A huge part of their MO is making people think that games shown in their showcase are only available on playstation. Most of the time it works.

It seems like MS has kind of gotten wise to it finally, hence that tweet. And I don’t think anyone can argue that tweet didn’t work well for them. It garnered a lot of attention from both sides of the fence.

Overall there were a lot of good games in that showcase, but Sony overplayed its hand thinking it could recycle the same strategy they always have and use third parties to carry the load.

Now, granted, this isn’t exclusive to them. All of the players do it with their showcases, but those announcements are generally there in support of the first party offerings, not carrying the weight of the full show.


I assume it is cuz we got like 10 minutes of it at TGAs, but who knows.

I’ll bet you my official PS5 duel sense controller charger. I just have it sitting around since I sold my PS5. :laughing: Just no moving the goalposts. It has to be an E3 level event to count as a showcase.

Okay, fair enough. Why didn’t you just sell the charger when you sold the PS5?

GameStop said they don’t buy chargers :man_shrugging: So basically just got stuck with it.


Its one of their major strategies, historically, and moving forward. You just think they stopped doing what brought them success?

They haven’t announced too many of them over the past year

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They are buying studios and investing in GAAS, yeah I think there is limited funding for third-party deals lol

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I’m rewatching Spiderman 2 gameplay in 4K and it’s worse than I thought watching it live. The grass has no self shadowing, it looks plain and brings back some last gen memories. Ambient occlusion seems off ? Like litteraly “off”.

I know it’s open world in an urban environment, but I thought they would be able to push it further than that. It feels like they are cutting corners, but I hope it will be better at release.

This Duff guy posted an hilarious image on twitter :

Even Redfall looks a bit better in this screen with the folliage, overall atmosphere and lighting at night time. But the grass and ground texture looks similarly bad in both, although I would argue that Redfall has more of a fantasy look that seems more fitting.


I gotta say I definitely expected more of Spidey 2 in terms of visuals. I mean, it’s a PS5 exclusive, you’d think it would look a lot better than the previous games. It’s Insomniac! But we gotta be honest too, it’s not done yet and they have time to smoothen things out, but I don’t expect miraculous differences. Before the show happened I saw folks speculating if it would be a generational leap, man it’s not even near that ballpark.


Redfall on pc is a not a bad looking game


While I don’t like to associate another platform, the fact Xbox did the post about games coming to them did hurt the showcase because it kicks in that the showcase was 3rd party heavy. Some points about why this showcase was weak I agree.

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I think Xbox should do the same always tbh Tweet right after PS showcase, enough bs


Haven’t watched it yet but supposedly, there’s a lot of backtracking here. I guess it sunk in how weak the show was.

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They must be polishing it up. Putting the finishing touch. They are reusing a bunch of assests from the other games. Same city and locations mostly, it’s how Insomniac can work so fast on these game. Reusing assets. That must have some effect on lower fidelity environment details.

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I think the game looks good graphically overall but I think much like this show, peoples expectations were way beyond what they got

I don’t have any interesting the game but I was definitely expecting a visual spectacle considering what they were able to do with the original on PS4 so this is a tad disappointing