PlayStation 5 |OT| This SSD has no limits

It seems wishful thinking that PS6 will play PS4 games. PSVR2 doesn’t even play PSVR games. I don’t know how many times Nintendo and PlayStation need to prove how untrustworthy they are with your library. It’s just too much of a gamble for those two companies with horrible track records.

Doesn’t PlayStation 5 play all the PlayStation 4 games except for like 10 or so of them? Yeah, maybe there’s no backwards compatibility for PS6 but it remains to be seen.

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I’ve seen this movie before. At this point it’s more logical to assume PS6 won’t have backwards compatibility for PS4 based on past history. Nintendo is notorious for just having backwards compatibility with 1 generation. Wii had compatibility with GameCube. Wii U had compatibility with Wii. And Switch 2 will have compatibility with Switch.

1 generation isn’t good enough for most gamers anymore in the digital age. Being asked to rebuy PS2 games digitally multiple times is lame.

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It is more a byproduct of how Sony implemented backward compatibility. To maintain it in the future they are going to have to continue making/designing their hardware around specific core counts/clock speeds. Or redesign the how they do it entirely. Which is, of course, possible.


Well the blame is 50/50 with the publisher and the platform. Depending on what the platform offers the publisher there’s also an argument there that you can’t really blame the publisher (Square) for taking the deal. For example if Playstation offered them an incredible deal that mitigates any risk for the publisher and guarantees them profit anyone would take it, it would be Playstation that would still take the guilt IMO.

I think the point I was trying to make with Crystal Dynamics was that technically I am also still potentially campaigning for something that would (in a roundabout way) likely take games away from other platforms (although not directly intended).

But yes realistically the main defining feature for these platforms to compete is still exclusives.

Would you still say first party games should be exclusive even if it ultimately damages the IP? For example with a multiplayer game: if Xbox could’ve made COD exclusive I suspect they would have lost loads of players, it may have attracted more people to Xbox but the IP could have been damaged and the playerbase would be smaller.

In short:

Exclusives for the consumer = Bad.

Exclusives for the brand = Good (although technically if you support the brand it’s good for you as a consumer of that specific brand).

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Even if Sony offers Square Enix an amazing deal, it only happens if Square Enix accepts. I have never put the blame on the hardware manufacturer regardless of who it is because in all honesty, this is what they should be doing to make their brand and console stand out from the others. But we can agree to disagree in this regard. :slight_smile:

Okay but there’s a difference between campaigning for games to be exclusive just to be exclusive OR campaigning for games to be exclusive because the hardware manufacturer owns the developer/IP’s and wanting that respective console brand to become bigger and better.

Depends on the game and IP but it goes both ways. A small IP like Hi Fi Rush isn’t going to bring new consumers into Xbox so you could argue that making it multi-platform would be the better business/money decision but at the same time, you can also argue to keep it exclusive because it happens to be one of the better new IP’s from Microsoft for Xbox and while it wouldn’t bring in new consumers on it’s own, when you include with a lot of other first party exclusives, that decision to not jump in for one game could change because instead of just one individual game, it’s now many exclusives games that warrant the consumer to jump in.

As for COD, I said when the acquisition was first announced that once contracts expire, it SHOULD be exclusive to Xbox/PC because it’s literally the one major IP that could grow the entire brand and console user install base because the vast majority of those who play only COD every year and those who play a few games a year but includes COD, you’re not losing. They’ll jump to Xbox because they want to play COD every year and their friends will jump with them.

Let’s say COD sells 30M a year total between PC, PS4/PS5/XBO/XS. PlayStation is said to be the most. Let’s say 20M at a minimum. So you then have 10M on PC/Xbox. I would say that you would bring in at least 75% of that 20M easily. So instead of having 10M, they would now have 25M.

I know you would say that’s a loss of 5M in general but they would be gaining the 15M at 100% cuts instead of 70% which would overtake the 5M they lose. You simply gain more when you keep things exclusive and in house if you’re the hardware manufacturer which in this case, Microsoft is.

Obviously, we’ll never know but if anything, I would have made it exclusive when next generation starts because if it was me and I was in charge of Xbox, my entire planning would be for the next generation consoles, not Xbox Series X/S.

In general, while that’s what I would have done if it was up to me, I don’t have an issue with COD staying as is because Microsoft since day one. My problem with Microsoft is that they’re taking exclusives with more to come and reversing course which in my eyes is bullshit because you were building your brand on these games being console exclusive and as more come, you’re basically bullshitting everyone into thinking that they games will stay when they won’t. That’s also retroactively false advertising.

I agree with this 100% but unless the console brands are unified, it’s always going to come down to “well, where can I play this, this and that while also getting this, this and that?”

Problem is that it’s highly unlikely that console manufacturers would ever unite and make just one console and even if that happened, it probably would end poorly because I doubt that they would all be able to see eye to eye on everything which in turn would probably lead to more negatives than positives.

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So Sony didn’t say it at all, after all.

Such a clown show, this.


Oh, I meant this


Aha, I see!

Who knows what’s been signed, I’m certain there’s lots of exclusivity arrangements we will never find out about.

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I still wonder how this deal benefits Square. I can somewhat understand xbox exclusion, but why make PC wait


Doesnt. Thata why 3 weeks after 16 underperformed the new CEO was apologising to Xbox Fans


I would love to see a breakdown of sales by Console/PC/Mobile.

If it’s anything like EA the majority of their revenue is still consoles so limiting it to just one console must be having a major effect.

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Seems like the team prefers working on one platform based off the comments of the studio heads.

It doesnt.

I’m pretty sure most teams prefer working on a single platform. That doesnt change the fact that staggering your platform releases is usually not a good business decision. Most publishers stopped doing it.


False promises of profit and untruthful projections from Sony.

I’m always surprised when companies like Sega with Yakuza and Persona. Capcom with Street Fighter. Or Square with Final Fantasy don’t hold a grudge. Being gaslit isn’t a good business foundation.

It’s kind of like how in life you reach certain realizations about bad friendships, roommates, or relationships where you realize the person is toxic and you finally break free from their toxicity. That’s how I imagine PlayStation makes their one sided deals. Lies from a manipulator, basically.

All of them have a shot….

Except Bloodborne….



Isn’t Bloodborne still locked at 30fps 720p even on PS5? It’s odd they don’t want to port it to PC or remaster it as eventually it will just die.

I remember an article a while back where someone got it running at 1080p/60 on a modded PS5 so it’s easily possible, it sounds like something Xbox would have just done for free through back compat.

Also this guy missed Infamous!

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BB was 1080p/30fps with uneven frame-pacing and frame drops on the PS4, I guess when played on the PS5 the frame-rate will be a stable 30fps at least but that’s about it as far as graphical/performance enhancements go.

Also I don’t think that we’ll see a remaster/remake of BB this gen, Sony will probably use the game to sell PS6 consoles at launch with a potential visual remake like they did with Demon’s Souls IMO.


I don’t know if I am gonna get killed for saying this, but how the heck did FF7 Rebirth get a 93MC score? I feel the open world of this game might be one of the worst in games and there’s just so much bloat. The combat is better in rebirth than remake, but I feel too much nostalgia is at play with this game