It looked good to me, people are too obsessed with graphics
Lol this is embarrassing:
Pilestedt is the CEO of Arrowhead…
It appears that Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy is a full console exclusive to PlayStation which shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone as even a nobody like me has said this since 2020. In addition to this, im also expecting more third party console exclusives from Sony.
As a PlayStation 5 owner and fan who’s currently enjoying Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (just under 40 hours in), I say give me more console exclusives baby. After all, it’s why I bought and own a PlayStation 5.
Next up is Granblue Fantasy Relink which I should get today in the mail from GameFly and in three weeks, Rise of the Ronin followed by Stellar Blade in late April/early May. Hyped!!!
Does it make a difference other than helping justify your purchase of both consoles? Seems like others are deprived from the game otherwise.
Yeah hopefully they don’t moneyhat too much more in terms of third party games.
For me, it does make a difference because I want EXCLUSIVES. Always have and always will. I’m sure you remember me during the Bethesda acquisition saying that EVERY game excluding contracts should be 100% exclusive to the Xbox platform and eco-system.
It’s no different here. I want exclusive fucking games. It’s literally #1 reason why I bought and own both consoles. It’s not for any other reason. My opinion on this will never ever change nor should anyone’s because it’s what separates and differentiates the platforms.
Also, NO ONE is deprived of anything. That is bullshit in my eyes. The reason why is because if someone truly wants to play the game and if it’s truly all about the games, you would buy the other console so you can play the other games. No one is being stopped or prevented from doing what they need to do in order to play those games. If anything, it’s just people restricting themselves.
Me buying an Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 (and Switch twice) isn’t because I love Microsoft and Sony. It’s because I want to play the games and some of them are console exclusive. I’m not going to miss out on playing games just because I have to buy a second console.
I’m expecting Sony to go harder with timed and full exclusivity because why wouldn’t they? It benefits their company, their brand, their platform, their eco-system and their fan base who play on PlayStation.
But we’ll see what they do.
If you are going to have this stance, at least justify why being exclusive makes a game better. If you’re happy a game is exclusive just because it’s exclusive that means you are more interested in justifying your purchase of two consoles than you are other people enjoying the game.
It is a funny argument really, realistically I don’t think anyone wants exclusives, however the nature of the market will always require platforms to have exclusives.
The same way people will subscribe to Disney, Netflix or HBO for their exclusive content.
As a consumer it means we are always going to miss out on content, however with the introduction of subscription services it is much easier/cheaper to catch on TV/Film by signing up for their respective services for a month and then cancelling.
Unfortunately until Nintendo, Steam and Sony catch up with Gamepass we don’t have the same flexibility as we do for Film/TV.
In addition I think we will always have bias towards one platform and therefore will want that platform to do better, as the exclusives are often the main defining factor between the platforms we will also tend to lean towards them.
This has always been my stance. You know this. How many times did I say that if people wanted to play Bethesda games, BUY AN XBOX. I said it a lot. I’m always 100% consistent when it comes to exclusivity. You saw me praise every move Microsoft made until recently. Why do you think that was?
It was to get exclusive games. Exclusive games should be the cream of the crop. Are they all that? Of course not but they should be especially if it’s a first party published game because it’s from the hardware manufacturer and they’re supposed to care about their console, brand and platform more than all third parties combined because it’s literally theirs.
Exclusives matter because it drives you to the console platform and as to why the exclusive game is better, it’s because it’s supposed to showcase what the console can do and in some cases, if the game isn’t exclusive, you would never get the game.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a money hat like Final Fantasy or picking up a project like Contraband/Towerborne/Ronin, etc. that may never have existed without that exclusivity deal and of course, you have the internal studios which let’s be honest, SHOULD be 100% console exclusive because if not, what’s the point and purpose of buying and owning them outside of pure greed?
As someone who went with Microsoft and Xbox in 2020, I was expecting them to fight and battle. Instead, despite acquiring the biggest publisher in ABK, they decide to quit and surrender. Like seriously, WTF?
Everything im saying shouldn’t be news to you or anyone though because I have said this numerous times since 2020 on this forum. I wanted Microsoft to get more studios/publishers in order to get more exclusives in order to make their Xbox console brand bigger.
The only way I wouldn’t want exclusives is if Microsoft and Sony combined to make a super console where it’s literally everything in one (excluding Nintendo). But let’s be honest, that’s highly unlikely to ever happen.
There’s a pretty big difference between accepting the reality of exclusives and cheering it on. It’s insane to me to sit here and want more third party games to be console exclusive.
I don’t know what to say to you if you wake up one morning and think “You know what? It’d be better if GTA6 wasn’t available on either Xbox or Playstation. That’d really make me happy”
Really weird behavior to be happy that a game’s not going to be on other platforms and deprave others of enjoying it. Especially since they’re not first party studio, but whatever and the fact that said, CEO of the company is been replaced because the last one may stupid business decisions
That’s not what im saying. I have never said that every game should be exclusive to one platform or the other. My stance for first party studios is that they ALL should be 100% console exclusive because the hardware manufacturer literally owns them and if you’re not going to give what you own a major advantage by having games that you can’t play on other consoles, then I truly don’t see the point outside of just pure greed.
As for third party games, it depends on the game. Let’s take Rise of the Ronin for example. It’s been in development for eight years and is a project that was probably shopped around and Sony picked it up, is funding it and publishing it in exchange for exclusivity. Now let’s say that if Sony didn’t pick up the game, it would have been cancelled and never happened. Granted, we obviously wouldn’t know this but if I have to choose between getting an exclusive third party console exclusive OR not getting the game at all, obviously, im choosing exclusivity.
A different example would be the KOTOR Remake. Saber Interactive is now independent or sold to investors or whatever the hell it is. This game is still alive. Granted, it’s alive by a single thread but if it means that for it to exist and get released, it has to be exclusive, then well, let be exclusive. But at the same time, if an EA or Ubisoft or third party publisher came in and liked what they saw and said we’ll fund and publish the game but it has to be multi-platform, that’s fine as well because I just want the game.
Exclusives are what gets me to buy into your console, your brand and your platform’s eco-system. If you don’t have any, why exactly do I need your console? You jump in for the exclusives and stay for everything else.
Another example I will use is the following - Ubisoft is remaking Splinter Cell. Let’s say Ubisoft looks over that game and is like, maybe we cancel this shit but Microsoft or Sony come in and says, well, we’ll fund the game in exchange for exclusivity. I’m taking the exclusivity every time because I want the game.
Look at the Star Wars Respawn game that was cancelled. It was going to be multi-platform where everyone gets it but now, no one gets it. Seriously, if you could have it exclusive for Xbox OR not have it at all, which would you choose?
Granted, maybe you don’t care about the game in general and that’s fine but at the same time, since your stance appears to be that you want everyone to be able to play the game, well, wouldn’t at least some people being able to play the game is better than none at all?
Kratos is tired. He just wants to be left alone in retirement with his pet kitty
PlayStation loses another exclusive. Folks must be mad!
I get where you’re coming from, although I must admit I interpreted your earlier comment the same way @pg2g did.
I don’t think I would ever want a game purposely taken away from another platform like Playstation currently does with Final Fantasy.
This said like many of us I am guilty of bias, although I primarily play on Switch (due to portability) my preferred platform is still Xbox.
As my preferred platform I often suggest Xbox should acquire studios that create cinematic adventure type games to directly compete with Playstation’s exclusives such as Crystal Dynamics. However if Xbox were to acquire them there is a good chance Tomb Raider would become exclusive to Xbox and therefore be taken away from Playstation which would technically be the same thing!
I do still think there’s a difference between wanting your preferred platform to compete better and actively wanting games to be removed from other platforms.
Due to the nature of the market requiring each platform to have exclusives, when it comes to first party I mostly do agree with you that they should be exclusive (for competition purposes), however I also think there are some exceptions.
I have already seen some hilarious comments
I don’t blame Sony for Final Fantasy VII trilogy being exclusive to PlayStation. The blame should go on the publisher that accepted the deal which in this case is Square Enix. Sony is doing what they believe will strengthen their console brand and to be honest, they’re right because it does.
When Microsoft paid for Rise of the Tomb Raider to be a one year timed console exclusive for Xbox One, I didn’t blame Microsoft like others did, I blamed Square Enix because they accepted the deal. Oddly enough, I bought the Xbox One ROTTR bundle on launch day because I wanted to play the game. I rarely wait to play games. Only time this happens is because I have multiple games releasing at or around the same time and go with the major games first and then catch up on the minor games.
I disagree in regards to acquiring a studio like Crystal and it being the same as simply paying the respective publisher for exclusivity. The difference is that Microsoft would own the studio and fund the games and pay the employees and staff. In this regard, I 100% believe that games in this situation should ALWAYS be 100% exclusive to the console platform in which they are owned by.
Yeah, I agree that there is a difference between wanting to see competition and taking games away in order to do so but let’s be honest, exclusivity simply works. It always has and it always will. People are going to go where the games they want to play the most are at. It’s always been this way.
The way to compete though is with exclusivity because it literally forces people into your brand, platform and eco-system. Without exclusive games and content, why exactly would anyone choose the console that has LESS than the console that will eventually have everything? The answer is that you wouldn’t.
I hear stuff like this said a lot but wouldn’t the main factor in choosing a console be its ecosystem. I have hundreds of games that PlayStation and Nintendo have left behind with changing console generations. Obviously anyone paying attention should choose Xbox or Steam as their multi platform ecosystem. Only a fool would choose PlayStation or Nintendo for their ecosystem.
I agree with this but like Phil said, they lost the worst generation to lose. PS4/XBO. Those on PS4/PS5 aren’t going to leave their digital collections behind next generation.
Disagree with the fool part in regards to PlayStation because unless you’re going to replay generations old games, you would still have your PS4/PS5 library with PS6 and let’s be honest, if you haven’t played those older games yet, chances are you never will.
I agree with Nintendo but if they have full backwards compatibility with Switch 2, then my argument is the same as above. If it’s taken you more than a generation to play through a game, chances are you will never play it to begin with.