PlayStation 5 |OT| This SSD has no limits

Everything I’ve read about Tototki lends me to believe he would tell Hernen Hust “why our gaming division still operating like this?” lets see what happens.

ALSO: You know theres a way to spent less money and make more profit? Just cut off Kojima :V With recent developments Im not sure why they are allowing that guy to waste a lot of money with inviting a lot of superstars to his games lol

Let Kojima cook.


Stop pissing away obscene amounts of money on cinematic cutscenes that aren’t actually gameplay.

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You mean the guy that was able to set up an entirely new studio and pump out a AAA game in just 4 years which is pretty much unheard of nowadays, even last gen?

He will have a set budget just like every other dev, you’re acting like he’s bleeding Sony dry and they can’t stop him :rofl: and considering they already have a new IP lined up with him in advance, I’m guessing their problems lie elsewhere and not just with Kojima

Also asking to cut funding of one of the only AAA devs out there that’s willing to take risks makes me sad

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You are downplaying the heavy investment Sony made through Guerilla and the Decima Engine.

Nobody is downplaying anything, I’m not saying he hasn’t had help but building a new studio and pumping out a game of that scale in that space of time is extremely rare in this industry

Not to mention it’s a mutual benefit when it comes to Guerrila/Decima as both teams work to improve it over time, it’s not FW and future games aren’t going to benefit from the partnership, it’s not a one way street

There goes the server capacity budget! But seriously let me the fuck into the game already. It’s literally a Monday afternoon and I can’t get in.

Two reactions to this post. First up is :rofl: Next up is :crying_cat_face: . I always hate when you want to play a game but you can’t because of silly technical difficulties. I hope they have the capacity issues resolved within the next week.

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In all honesty, Sony’s money issues/troubles have nothing to do with me. Just release great games that I am interested in and want to play and I will be a very happy PlayStation gamer!! :joy:

Based on my understanding of the type of games you like (AAA, large scale, high production), actually their money issues likely could affect their ability to produce a lot more of them for you based on their return on investment. Not necessarily right away but I’d not be surprised if you saw fewer.

I wouldn’t mind if Sony scaled back to making AA games like they did last generation with PS4. I loved Alienation and the other Housemarque games. I also enjoyed Knack to an extent but even more so Knack 2. So im not against this at all. I play a very high amount of AA games. For 2024, the first 5 out of 6 games im playing in general is considered AA.

We’ll see what they do though.

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I seriously wonder if PS is even assisting them because they are basically feeding themselves. They have to fix the server many times, cap or not. I wonder if they won’t prioritize since majority of players are in PC. Shame because PC players are getting frustrated. The rating went from 78 to 69 in a day.

Pacific Drive is a vibe. I’m really not into simulation or survival mechanics, but I’ve got to give this a try. Also bought Returnal which I’ll give a go. Kind of getting bored of Helldivers II already, but maybe that’s because I can now get into the game but not matchmake with anyone…


You know it’s failing when they have to submit like that. But at least they discover it. The question now is, is it too late?


Biden laughing no

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It’s too late.

Trying to be generous here.

VR is too late, this is not only a Sony problem.

As a Rift player, the offer is thin currently.