PlayStation 5 |OT| This SSD has no limits

I mean its a new gsme. A 4 year old god of war gsme isnt going to get high concurrent players is it

Its grest news for sony because theyll rethink their busines strategy


It’s time Sony. Stop treating PC players like 2nd rate customers and they’ll reward you.


Horizon FW is next month, let’s see what happens with its launch and what Totoki will learn from both releases :thinking:

If HR FW launch with tepid response I think SONY might start considering some changes.


That statement in the tweet is a lie through omission. They are leaving out Microsoft games, namely Call of Duty and Fallout 4.

Data from


Sony fanboys discover the beauty of Gaas games.

Just waiting for Sony to publish a 1st party F2P, and they will be all over it.

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Pretty sure he’s only including the milestones that the games hit while under ownership of the respective platforms.

I thought it was pretty obvious but maybe he should clarify because the Xbox cult are big mad in his replies lol.

Would be malpractice if they don’t. Imagine turning down money because you’re afraid of console warriors backlash.

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They changed their mind, just like that. I mean it’s weird to me too, they embraced their GAAS future.

A good cultist does what is mandated from above.


I think the real question/concern is how it would impact console sales if they went Day 1. I know lots of PS5s would be sold instantly lol

I think that’s a good thing, but yeah, people going from one stance to the opposite in a few months time, always brings a smile. People change their mind all the time, but they’ll never ever say they do.

People who hated always online games, co-op and as a service now boast the numbers of players (which they previously also criticized as a measure of a game’s success) without knowing that this will change the ecosystem that they believed would never launch games on PC and less so on day 1. The irony of many and the press will always be evident.


Still going up despite a cap limit on the servers. This is nuts lol, the power of word of mouth on TikTok is nuts.

This is absurd how well its doing. AA (?) as well. I didnt think i would see the day fortnite was dethroned.


So hardware profit margins down as economies of scale and reductions from Moore’s Law are reduced this gen (heard that this would happen somewhere before :slight_smile: ) and SW profit margins reduced because of the cost to produce the high quality AAA blockbusters in a static market that Sony have relied on in the past to stay healthy.

So that’s Sony’s two main profit generating tent poles falling over, but, people are still pulling on the blinders and saying they don’t need to evolve their business.

I guess while the gaming press in general are standing on their principles and refusing to include the leaked data in their outlooks more clued up tech journos and the financial markets aren’t.

Three options here I guess. 1. Reduce the development costs for those games therefore reducing scope or quality, 2. Increase prices and keep the output the same or 3. Sell in more places to a larger user base. Again this all sounds very familiar to me.

Shame they are not better set up to provide other sources of value to their user base over and above exclusivity. Going to be a tough few years.


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Honestly, PS failed to advertise their fan base as a style to adapt and let PC carry them heavily. They had a chance and while it’s good on PC, they still blew it to make it as such. It’s like they don’t want to invite a non-story heavy game into the party.

I always saw it as a PC game, but PS could have make it as their other part of identity.

Would have done great on Xbox… just saying.

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Undoubtedly. Say what you want about Xbox mishap with marketing, but at least their identity of variety is intact. Took them a while but they got there. Look at Palworld. Yes, it’s on Game Pass, but you could have still have very low count rate. Free isn’t guaranteed. Don’t believe me? Look at Foamstars. The game is trying capture Splatoon audience but instead flopped so hard, we forgot it’s “free.”