PlayStation 5 |OT| This SSD has no limits

Probably, but do not be fooled. nobody would talk about Stellar Blade if it was not exclusive to ps5.

Where exactly did I say it was “indie of the day”? Do you usually intentionally misqoute people you are conversing with?

It’s probably a Playstation led conspiracy to trick people into buying a terrible game.

Or it’s an online only game like Suicide Squad which will get reviews over time post release.

But probably the former.

Yeah you’re probably right, I just feel if Xbox did something similar for Heavenly Sword (Ninja Theory) there would be more uproar.

Technically Naughty Dog created Crash Bandicoot too!

They sold Crash to Activision, but Sunset Overdrive is legally theirs now, they just realistically can’t do anything with it if they don’t reach a deal with MS :laughing:

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If it’s anything like AW, MS has 10 years of publishing for SO1. Then we’d probably see a remake/remaster before even considering possilbity of SO2.

Reading all of that, that freaking sucks. Thank you for the detailed information. I really hope that Valve can fix the issues that you’re having. And if they do Steam Deck 2.0 for example, I hope it’s a great docked experience.

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If you’re not planning to use portable functionality I’m not sure why you’d go with a Steam Deck over a PC in Big Picture mode. Is it because it’ll be a little more user friendly?

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Mainly because it’s cheaper, more user friendly and doesn’t take up a lot of room/space. I just need what the Steam Deck currently is with at least native 1080p output, 60FPS minimum, good CPU, GPU, RAM, 1 TB SSD and the capability to output HDR and whatnot.

I have looked at PC Desktops and to get what I want, it’s at least $5000 give or take. Problem is that im a laptop PC guy and don’t want a massive desktop and these are more expensive and use mobile chip versions of their desktop equivalents so if im going to go that way, I would prefer to just get the next Steam Deck and docking station.

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Well, make sure you do your research.

For instance. Buying a Steam Deck solely for docked usage sounds like taking on some limitations that are unnecessary with no benefits.


I’m aware. It’s why im waiting until next generation starts before deciding 100%. By then, Valve should hopefully have a new better Steam Deck available and better docking capabilities. :slight_smile:

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We probably need a PC gaming thread, lol. If there isn’t one already.


Hahaha. True.

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I’ve previously built myself a small factor PC for use with my TV, yet I’ve also looked at the Steam Deck as an easy option for docking lol.

I’ve instead decided I’ll upgrade my PC at some point, but my graphics card will then be more powerful than the CPU so that’ll need an upgrade at some point which means a new motherboard and probably new RAM.

But let’s face it, that’s a pain lol - so if they released a new Steam box or Deck 2.0 that docked well, I’d be very tempted as hopefully games would be optimised for it like consoles so I didn’t have to upgrade all the time…

That’s part of why I’m thinking a PS5 Pro sounds appealing to me lol


Agree completely.

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Helldivers 2 is really fun, but these devs feel in over their heads. Outside of persistent server issues, I went from high settings at 50-60 FPS to needing to drop to low just for a consistent 60 FPS. Still broken despite the below update. Where’s Nixxes, what was the point?

(1) Patch 005 and performance issues (PC) : Helldivers (

Day 1 PC probably makes it more challenging to come out with a perfect port up front, no longer get to take your time on a polished code base and gotta develop in parallel with the PS5 version.


This seems like it’s been a consistent issue for PlayStation. Heard Horizon and TLOU were bad ports as well.

Have you considered steam deck & geforce now combination? A friend of mine does that, he plays the bigger AAA stuff using Geforce Now’s 4k and it does look and play very well. Almost tempted me to give that whole area of gaming a go.

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Out of interest does he just use desktop mode with Chrome web browser?

That’s what I was thinking of doing when I get mine :wink:.