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Oh okay. I thought you were going to close it. My mistake.

Cover Reveal – Kena: Bridge Of Spirits

“Kena: Bridge of Spirits was one of the standout trailers shown during Sony’s PlayStation 5 reveal event, introducing players to a beautiful world and a host of cute helpers known as the Rot. We’re excited to announce that Ember Lab’s lush adventure game is our next cover story. In the next issue of Game Informer magazine, we take a closer look at the game and its fascinating development.”

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This game is just simply artistically beautiful. Glad it’s a timed-exclusive for PS5 because I would hate to miss out

Me too. Will be playing it when it eventually releases on Xbox Series X. Good chance that it goes on Game Pass day one too. What’s great for me is that I already have two games in late 2021 to look forward to in Godfall and Kena.

:pleading_face: :sob: :sob:

I will be surprised if Kena lives up to its hype, I think people forget its made by a team of only 14.

Well, development team sizes are rarely indicative of game quality these days, not just on a mechanical level but from a technical standpoint. Remember, Hellblade was made by around 20 people and that shit looked better than some AAA games even. Expect more of these extremely high quality games from super small teams. A lot of stuff in game production pipelines are getting automated, streamlined, democratized and so on, so it’s only natural to expect the trend.

Kena seems like a Zelda meets Pikmin, and the creators are animation industry veterans, and the reveal trailer showed that off rather well. I don’t expect it to be the next BotW, but it shall definitely be high quality. I really hope it’s a timed exclusive, would be dope if it entered Game Pass immediately after the timed exclusivity ends!

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Yes, but two of the team are professional animators. So it will look incredible. How it plays will be the interesting part to see

For me personally, im expecting Kena to be a great 8+ rated game. It looks stunning and the combat/gameplay look great and very polished. Looking forward to playing Kena down the line.

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Not true small teams rarely reach the quality of bigger teams. And while hellblade was very good it was no god of war.

Maybe, but I dont think it will live up to the hype.

Same, this game is really visually charming and cute. Gameplay seems mighty fine and good animations. If it is a kind of metroidvania zelda adventure style I think it will be super good. Keeping an eye on it.

Hard disagree on the first point but OK, you do you. Quality is not predicated on team size or budget, most of my favorite games of all time are indies.

Kena is definitely something I have my eye on. It really makes me wish that Rare would dedicate part of their studios to making well crafted, smaller scale AA games like Kena. Kind of like how Double Fine does with Psychonauts. They can make them high quality and pump them out at a faster rate

Ember Labs only has like 15-20 people at the developer too which is crazy.

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I never said Kena would be a bad game nor that small teams cant make good games, I said I dont think kena will live up to the hype, because from my observations its being hyped up like a rachet and clank game and in that respect (production values, consistentcy) I dont think it will live up to the hype.

Fair enough, but I don’t think the game is being that hyped either, especially compared to R&C which I feel doesn’t deserve much of the hype it’s gotten as outside graphics and amount of npcs on screen, there’s nothing truly fascinating about it. The only big truly next gen thing about it was the instant world switching and looks like that shall be reserved for on rails and set piece moments and not actively used in gameplay, where only those those orange in level glorified platform jump portals shall be used often.

Ok thanks for telling me that you disagree, what a pointless way to start a conversation.

my disagreement was for this statement, that’s all. I had to start with disagreement because I do believe that’s a very bad statement to make and had to get that out of the way. But I did follow up with why I disagreed and didn’t just leave it at that. And then you clarified what you meant and I said fair enough and acknowledged it and we were soon on the same page haha. It’s all chill, no worries.

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That was not my original post on the matter though. My original post was:

“I will be surprised if Kena lives up to its hype, I think people forget its made by a team of only 14”

You introduced “quality” into the conversation, not me.

Maybe if you asked for more clarification instead of trying to correct me based on your speculated presumptions of what I meant. However I will try and be more detailed next time.

Personally, I don’t see Kena getting hyped all that much at all. If anything, I think majority are simply excited because it was very unexpected. We know what we’re getting with Miles and Ratchet but Kena could be that hidden gem of a game that could get a solid following when the game launches.

I’m expecting an 80+ on Open Critic and at least an 8/10 for me personally which if anything, is perfectly reasonable because the visuals look great, the combat and gameplay looks really good and fluid plus the audio sounds good. If the story and characters is solid, Kena will be one of the better launch games for PS5.