PlayStation 5 Hands On Previews Topic

I think now we know why Sony is being very protective in their approach and are trying really hard to control the narrative of their console.


Yea while Microsoft is letting the press just go nuts with the series x just under NDA its pretty telling how confident each company is about their hardware


Wow. Thankfully, I have zero interest in Astro but I hope Sony doesn’t put this ridiculous feature in any future first party titles. My goodness.

That looks quite rough, oddly a lot of era users believe this game is 4k/120fps… Wild.

Hopefully they smooth the performance out on this game for those looking forward too it.


Maybe the ssd is too fast for the game, or it is a feature…


The messaging this gen is staggering

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That’s awful. The game should be better optimized by the developers…or the hardware is having serious problems running this not-so-impressive game. Let’s not forget this was the “huge reveal”, the supposedly “first next-gen game with gameplay” on the game awards last year - and the game still runs like that on PS5, a shiny new next-gen console?

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And some are saying on the net this game is 4k120 lol while we saw Ratchet from an internal studio with way more budget being dynamic 4k 30fps and performance mode “targeting” 60fps…

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Imagine if Xbox showed footage that looked like that? Where is the outrage and concern?


It’s not a good feature at times like this🤦

It shows that there is less toxicity on the Xbox side…


In fact it’s the opposite, people are believing it’s a 4K/120 fps game after that footage.


Damn that sounds very negative. What other games do you mean?

Can you only imagine the shit show it’d be and how the games media would react if these first impressions from both consoles and how they were rolled out were reversed lol?

Oh my…

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Nothing against the YouTubers but am I the only one thinking these reactions are as fake as can be? I’m sorry but some of those reactions, they seem to be going nuts when there is nothing special going on at all.

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How the hell is this next gen gamplay?

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It’s rather odd how DF doesn’t seem to have a PS5 to demo yet, nor any of the big YouTubers that all DID receive a XSX, many of them. Either that’s still coming and Sony is a little late or…it’s just weird as hell man.


Meanwhile Xbox sent consoles to people famous for preferring PS

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I’m still surprised YoungYea got one, but he seems to be enjoying it.