PlayStation 5 Hands On Previews Topic

  • Original Link from Reddit -

  • Links to several hands on previews for tomorrow -
  • All will be available at 5AM EST -
  • Games and Duration -
  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo (24:14)
  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo and Godfall (11:19)
  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo (11:53)
  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo, Devil May Cry 5 and Balun Wonderworld (35:15)
  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo and Devil May Cry 5 (13:58)

  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo (24:19)
  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo (11:51)
  1. Astro’s Playroom Demo, Godfall and Balun Wonderworld (19:10)

I wonder why they did not send any review units to the Western Media. Like I understand, but it seems like Microsoft sent units to everyone.


Agreed. Very weird considering that North America is the second best region for Sony and PlayStation 4. Hopefully they will before the month ends.


It’s pretty obvious to me. They don’t want to be compared negatively to Xbox. From backwards compatibility to the units size. To how loud it is. They know that their design is a failure in comparison.


I bet when these release they won’t even have visible consoles running demos. The console will be hidden so the consumer can’t see how huge it really is


This format is such a fail of a hands on reveal. Its an entirely controlled format on catered to the Japanese audience and I bet they’re only showing the games and not the full UI.

In contrast, Xbox sent the Series X to every YouTube reviewer and let them go at it on their own.

Sony had great marketing last gen, but this year, Xbox owns the narrative.


At this point and the direction this is going I won’t be surprised if no direct shot of the console is shown. Looks like they are embarrassed with their design. I don’t remember MS being that shady with the Xbox One


I think it is pretty obvious at this point.

The way both Xbox and Sony doing PR -

Xbox is more confident in hardware in OS features. But they are showcase games aren’t ready yet.

Sony is more confident in there showcase games. But some what not comfortable with showing there hardware.


Lol what did I say

You can see the live here lol

What are they allowed to demo? (BC) games? The UI?

Live is on watch it if you wanna have a good laugh. Watch by yourself and judge. Sony is clearly hiding.

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This is hilarious


That weird setup with the console being put on a separated desk from the TV and the cables going underneath gives no confidence at all.


Yep looks like Sony definitely want to lessen the time that the two consoles are put head to head before launch. As it gives people time to maybe reconsider their pre orders.


I wonder what this is under the desk with the cables coming out of it



Nothing suspicious about this :roll_eyes:


Some are speculating that the PS5 wasn’t even turned on. Cause it should emit a blue light when on.


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Could it be something connected to the power block ? To control the temperature ? A surge protector ? Some diagnostic thingy for devs ?

You could not fit a lot of equipment in that thing, so we may be speculating on nothing. But yeah it needs some explanations real quick.

It’s this small details that adds up and doesn’t bring confidence in the product. Sony, what are you doing ?

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The issue for me is why even make it like this. They should have clearly showed the console tethered to the TV and such.

The youtubers didn’t even touch the console, some angles were clearly forbidden and now there’s a strange block underneath it.


Yeah, Sony won’t send this thing to Digital Foundry any time soon… I hope I’m wrong though. I hope it is just the rush of launch and some things are not quite ready yet. But it is messy, there is no denying that.

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