Im gonna jump to silver and then gold as soon as I win with tank. The system is just broken. Basically they give you a huge MMR(in your case Diamond 5), mine is probably gold/plat for tank(first time ranking tank,but I was playing at those ranks during placements). But the medal/rank they give you afterwards doesnt equal your MMR for some reason, they want you to “prove” that you deserve the same rank as your MMR. Its just stupid. I understand ranking lower on the first time, but its completely unbalanced for everyone. If I’m better why I’m now “smurfing” on a lower rank, and why I have to depend on worse player at the same time… idk, its so weird.
And in the last few matches, there were players who clearly didn’t know their roles. Dorado, we defended B and now we attack. For a minute and a half, we weren’t on the payload, people were chasing enemies, and the tank was playing Ball, trying to spawn camp them. We barely managed to get A and after that we rolled them, but still, this wasn’t high platinum gameplay, strategy, or team composition. Frustrating .
Yeah same experience, I had a few matches yesterday were I had to tell everyone what to do. And we won because of that. People would leave the healers undefended or the healers would be the ones pushing,etc
Its obvious the rank system doesnt take into account many things and its a problem in a game like this
I’m kinda glad just staying in Quick Matches.
Well, done the 7 wins in tank, bronze 1. I got placed in 5 matches were I just couldnt do anything, the dps dont know what to do at all. My last win we had a guy with 5k damage playing sombra the entire game doing nothing…
I’m playing like I’m in overwatch league but im sticking in bronze… man i’m gonna lose all my hair with this game
only lvl 55 in battlepass and in no way i a m completing it . I really dislike battle pass system
I played 8 hours between yesterday and today and I think I only leveled like 6 levels. Its quite bad. We should be on x2 XP for the last week, at least. And get way more xp per match I think.
The dailies being caped to 3 missions is bad too.
Its very weird how everyone throw so much shade at 343 for their leveling and BP system but overwatch is getting a pass, somehow.
Not the biggest fan of 343 system, but this and other battlepass system is too much FOMO. I wish more can adopt you buy a battlepass and level it up at your own time
Yeah, personally I would adopt the system of 343 were BP doesnt expire. Its not my job to level up the BP you want to erase, for some reason. It should be a system were I can complete it when I want and give me a lot of XP most of the time, cause most people wont be playing this game all day(or any game).
Thats why Fornite works so well in leveling. Everything gives you XP. And when you are behind, you have a catchup system. The only bad thing is BP expiring, but with the amount of licensing they have makes sense
if you mix up who you queue as and play different modes you can level insanely fast. I hit 80 within the 2nd week of the season. I’ve now gotten 13 levels on my brother’s account to try and get him to 80 (only 4 left) in two nights.
Seeing how I expect the new tank to get picked 90 percent of the time for a good bit, my plan is to not pick him at all, yet still que for tank and do nothing but try and find the best counter for Ranattra
Sigma / Zarya / Winston are sure bets, but Hog will destroy him.
Is there something wrong with Comp Stats?
I finished on plat 5 last season and now I didnt play any games this season yet its showing I am Silver 2. wtf is this?
Same, from Plat 2 to Gold something. Terrible.
Ah right. not playing any games this season, until this is fixed. I really cbb climbing
Yeah, being placed lower will just give you less chance to climb up, and from the perspective of a support role, a hell of a task. “Play better!”, sure, when my tank just feeds and changes hero after every death.
haha yes and also matchmaking luck will not be kind as always. This is just BS though, whats the point of working hard when you are going to get placed lower anyway.
All games place you a few ranks lower when the new season comes out. Its not the smartest thing around but its another one of their “tests” to your skill. Its worse for the people you play against than you, really.
The new tank for what I’m seeing, no one plays it. They test it quickly and thats it. Its just not that good. Doomfist is the meta right now.
I can undestand that to some degree, but just now had a match where dps didn’t used his ult cause he didn’t know what ult is. Totally unfair to be matched with them.