Outriders [OT] Journey Into the Unknown

Technomancer is the easier class simply because you gain health by dealing damage to enemies as opposed to having to kill enemies to gain back health.

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Don’t be afraid to lower the world tier, when I got to 8 I had an encounter where I couldn’t kill the enemies fast enough and had no where to run to. There have been fights where I can toggle back to 8 and win fairly safely, and plenty of ones where I have no chance with current lvl/gear.

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Awesome. It’s crazy. A game went from not on my radar to being super hyped to play.

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That first one really wasn’t too bad. When 2 popped up afterwards it caught me off guard but wasn’t too bad as a Pyro. But yeah that other boss took awhile lol. Had to change up my load out. Which sucks you can’t do it on the fly because everything keeps going on while in pause.

I think I have one side mission left on the third map and I can head to the 4th map but playing Pyro has sucked. I think snipers are the bane to me. Can’t get to them quickly and charging through and using skills doesn’t seem to work out in the end.

Farmed with my Pyro some during the demo and still haven’t gotten a legendary at level 14, but did get like 3 epics in quick order towards the end of the third map which brought my total up to 4 due to a quest reward.

My epic assault rifle might be low on firepower by the mods are such a great combo. Freeze and not losing bullets with crit shots. A 15 round single shot mag last a long time when you can stack headshots on a non moving enemy lol. Might have to salvage it and see if I can mod another gun to be similar.

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I only got one Epic so far. I believe I’m level 14 and I’m cleaning up the last sidequest on Eagle’s Peak.

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Good review video. He discusses some of the bugs too.

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Played for an hour or so last night, this time as pyro instead of Trickster and really enjoyed myself.

Good god though the matchmaking was being awful, worked 1 time of out 5 and then was kicked out every time, the one time it worked with a player who seemed happy to team up I fell through a hole in the world and had to quit the session.


The issue with matchmaking is it’s turned on by default so people who don’t want to team up aren’t turning it off. I made sure I put mine on friends only right away so I didn’t have people jumping into the game on me.

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This is gonna be one long day at work :crazy_face:

Anyone tried Quick Resume with this game? Does it work?

Oh my, I can stack some mods! My Pyro can use four Heat Waves without cooling down now

It kicks you out to the lobby. I believe for the same reason you also can’t pause. :frowning:

I’ve got 5 epics, and I’m level 13 in Eagle’s Peak. Just got one more sidequest there before I proceed.

Yes, there is a lot of stuff on by default which shouldn’t be. Like the camera shaking in cutscenes… blergh.

Working today is brutal; had very little to do yesterday so got to the expeditions and they are so addicting. The time factor and pace of combat combined with the phat loot at the end makes for very fun grinding.

This game having a cutscene for literally just jumping will never fail to make me laugh. There are also so many goddamn loading screens, what the hell. I’m playing with a friend who still has an Xbox One S, so it actually won’t load in for me till it’s done for him, and my god they’re so many. Makes me appreciate the SSD of the Xbox Series X more. Still a fun game, but this is quite annoying to me.

Also, disabling motion blur makes it so much better. Glad there’s at least an option.

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Yeah, I can imagine this game would annoy the hell out of you if you are still using an Xbox One with the seeming need to load everything. The loading on the Series X is ridiculously fast.

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Oh, I guess that would suck. Getting so used to having no/very short loadingscreens now haha. I didn’t even have time to read the “tips”.

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I’m on a Series X, and when I’m playing by myself, it’s not a problem. But when I’m playing with a friend on the One, it won’t load me in till it’s done on my friend’s One. And they’re quite long, while is such a pain for me.

Yooo why is this game sooo god dam good and fun?


I wonder if so many people would have tried this game if it wasn’t for Game Pass. My whole friends list is playing Outriders.