Outriders [OT] Journey Into the Unknown

I can’t seem to get the game to start? (it doesn’t have the GP symbol either)

Any ideas guys?

Did you set your region to New Zealand (or any of the eastern regions)? It unlocks midnight for all regions so if it’s not April 1st in your region it won’t start. Otherwise, I believe restarting will help.

Ok awesome!

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I switched to Sweden but I’ll try New Zealand. Missed the country and figured it’d probably be fine. lol

Lol its only 11:40 over there I guess.

Ah, that’s why. It’s still March in Sweden.

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Are there any visual enhancements over the demo ? Is the demo an old build?

Anyone having their weapons disappear after picking up new ones?

Just lost a rare one…

Does this game have to be installed on internal SSD? I really need to get an expansion drive once price cuts down a bit

Every native Series X|S game has to be installed on the internal SSD or Seagate Expansion Card. I believe only backwards compatible Xbox One games can run off an external SSD/HDD that isn’t the Seagate Expansion Card.

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Oh shit, the servers are down

Edit: I’m back online now!

And damn, Pyro really is hard mode on early game.

No bugs for me so far

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Are the other classes harder? Because I we getting my ass kicked by a couple bosses during the demo and I played Pyro.

Anyone who has played multiple classes, what’s the easiest one to play? That’s what I want to set my wife up with tomorrow.

I think there are a few exceptions that it can be on an external HDD. Ah well, made space for it, but def going to get an expansion slot some time this year

I believe Pyro is the hardest to play with early game because you can get destroyed. This changes after you level up and start unlocking new skills and better armor.

Trickster and Devastator might be easier early on

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I believe the best analogy I can give is:

Pyro is like choosing Charmander in Pokémon Red. You will get destroyed by Brock and Misty, but it will pay off in the end.

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That makes perfect sense to me :joy::joy:

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It is also possible to use the external HDD or SSD as cold storage for any Series X|S or Xbox One game, but you’d then need to move games back and forth between the drive and console. It’s still a preferable solution to deleting and downloading games if you want quicker access.

I barely have 100GB left on my Series X, Outriders has just made it worse :sweat_smile:

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Some pictures of my trip to New Zealand (spoiler tagged – click to view the pictures):

Second map:

Third map:


Seems like there’s good variety environment wise. Hope it’s the same with enemies

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Hm… “Ready to start” does not mean ready to start lol. Why is that even a thing?

Oh, it is! I just fought a fricking eagle and a giant lava spider.

I wish Destiny was like this. A story to follow with a right order of worlds to discover. When I play Destiny it seems like everything is happening at once