NXgamer: AC Valhalla next Gen comparison (1440p version is now up!)

If the series x is trying to push a higher res, I think it should drop it as the game looks more or less identical to me and I would prefer 60fps and no tearing.

All of your issues arenā€™t hardware issues though. How the GPU is utilized is up to the developers. As for your example, that happens. People spend 500 to 1500 on a new GPU and the drivers arenā€™t great. The reason why amd GPUs perform better towards the end of life than at the beginning is better driver performance.

This isnā€™t a unique scenario. Plus youā€™re looking at a Ubisoft game. They arenā€™t exactly known for optimizations. Odyssey was a beast to run on pc. So Iā€™m not surprised Valhalla is a little rough.


yeah but it sucks to get these results iā€™m not getting what iā€™m paying for. optimization for a console is easier than PC so there is no excuse here

No here the problem the XSX is the same as PS5 version, the two versions running on the same resolution.

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I get the whole tools thing, but really who is to blame for that? I love my Xbox, but the time for excuses has long passed.

If you expect everything to be perfect life is going to be disappointing.


I donā€™t expect everything to be perfect, but that doesnā€™t mean legitimate criticism isnā€™t warranted or that we should just blindly continue to say ā€œbe patientā€.

Seriously guys, I am just playing Call of Duty Cold War and itā€™s absolutely beautiful. These comparisons are nothing but console war fuel. Even if ps5 is in some games 1 frame faster or has one screen tear less, it doesnā€™t take from what Xbox is doing this gen. The Series X is hands down the best game console ever made and I am in awe what this machine does. You could even do a blind test with the guys from Digital foundry and I would bet my monthly rent they couldnā€™t tell which version they are playing. Also it doesnā€™t even matter what the ps5 does. Xbox delivers big time, just enjoy the great games.


This on MS they waited for more features so they made a gamble and this the result of it but letā€™s see if it is worth it or not

I think itā€™s fair to be disappointed with the launch. Itā€™s coming in hot. Multiplats arenā€™t able to take advantage of itā€™s capabilities and 1st party isnā€™t ready. 360 had similar issues. Difference is the 360 didnā€™t have a competitor during the same launch week with a more mature development environment and 1st parties ready to hit the ground running. 6 to 12 months from now, devs will be comfortable with the tools and theyā€™ll be able to demonstrate itā€™s capabilities. First 6 months for this next gen might be tough for the Xbox brand from a narrative standpoint.

To be transparent, I expected this early. When we kept hearing how far behind their dev kits and GDK was, I thought that the early part of the gen was going to be itā€™s biggest challenge from a relative performance standpoint. A game like Cyberpunk getting delayed until next year would be a good thing for the Xbox camp.

To add on, I fully expect this to be the best generation for the Xbox in terms of a combination of hardware performance and content. Microsoft gambled on some things that were going to make the early going rough (made even rougher by covid) but which should pay long term dividends. Feel pretty confident that Xbox gamers will feel rewarded long term.


The guy mentions CoD, but have we seen a comparison at all yet?

So, the way I see it is this. The ps5 tools are very similar to the PS4 tools. This has made it is easy for developers to transition from PS4 development to Ps5 development. On the Xbox side the advantage of RDNA2 is also a negative. It is new and it will take devs a while to get to grips with it. Every single game coming out now started development on the Xbox one, and has been upgraded to take advantage of the series X. This is also true for ps5 but the similar tools have probably made it easier to reach the performance cap of the ps5. This is a negative right now, but in the future it will allow Devs to push the series X further than the ps5. The first piece of content that has been developed entirely with the new tools is the hive busters dlc for gears 5. That will be a very interesting test of the series Xā€™s capabilities.

Ultimately though none of this really matters. Acv is going to get several patches over the next few weeks as those games always do. I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see the screen tearing on the Xbox disappear. Both these machines are great. The game looks great, plays great and loads great on both systems. For me the debate comes down to controller versus gamepass. I went for game pass and I donā€™t regret my decision at all. As for the controller I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see an elite series 3 that integrates haptics.


360 didnā€™t have the same issue, Kameo and PGR3 blew away everything from previous gen consoles, Call of duty 2 was running great on it and in its first few months post-launch it had stuff like oblivion, lost planet, dead rising e.t.c and I am talking pre-gears of war. The only Ā«issueĀ» the 360 had was that Sony showed a bunch of CGI videos passing them off as gameplay at E32005.

On 360 there were some severe issues when the real devkits came due the edram not being able to hold a 720p buffer + AA (which required tiling and there were some api issues that made performance fall from a cliff when that happened).

Several launch games dropped AA or went for lower resolutions. And especially Japanese devs had issues as well (N3 for example was delayed and later confirmed that they went from 60fps to lower than 15 when they made the switch)

All I remember is seeing games that took my breath away in the 360 kiosks. The rest is just talk. Unless I am missing something there is no Oblivion or the Capcom timed exclusives in the near future for the XSX and I still havenā€™t seen a gameplay demo of something like gears of war on the 360 (which was in E32005 actually). Oh and who cares about N3 ? Capcom, for example was more than ready for the xbox360.

The games you are playing on your series X are way way more performant in relative terms than the early 360 gamesā€¦letā€™s just remember you can play Assasins Creed in 4K at 60FPS yes there is some screen tearing but that bug persists across all Xbox consoles. But itā€™s still a stunning game. Iā€™m honestly at a loss for what your issue isā€¦if it was coming in at 45 FPS then sureā€¦and at one point that was the caseā€¦,but itā€™s not.

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Seriously? Long Passed?

The way youā€™re talking, its as if the console has been out for 3 years already and developers are still struggling to get performance out of it while not in a global pandemic.

Sony had it easy. Their development tools are focused on one platform - PS5. The new development tools for MS reflect their more ambitious gaming plans, one where developers can target console, mobile and PC. DX12 Ultimate is fresh out of the oven and if Watch Dogs is any indication, even PC is struggling to get expected performance out of that yet.

What you call excuses, I call development issues for a console which has been out for 5 days and a SDK which is coming in hot.


I donā€™t think weā€™re going to see anything like that again. It will be a long time before we see anything noticeably better than red dead 2 or gears 5. Demonā€™s souls and Miles look nice but they arenā€™t a massive jump up. The new horizon game has had arguably the best looking trailer so for but I wouldnā€™t say that it is a massive leap over what we are seeing right now with acv. Also a lot of the cutting edge features of this gen like 120fps and vrr require TVs to match.

If you are unhappy with your purchase, sell it. Iā€™m sure you could get full price or more for a new series X right now.

360 was definitely a great console, but Iā€™m not sure you remember it was even called xbox 1.5 for a long time because the early games didnā€™t looked that impressive (though Sony had a huge play in that by tricking everyone with the CG gameplay trailers)

Though I was merely pointing out issues that developers faced, many of them were solved by launch, but perhaps in a non covid world that would have happened for SX as well.