Nintendo Direct - 09/23/2021

Ok, this is fucking hilarious. This was from last year:



Either somebody had inside information or this was the greatest cosmic coincidence of all fucking time.


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The prophecy is true.

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That guy HAD to have known something, you donā€™t get such a lucky guess. Right?

Itā€™s utterly unbelievable,this decision.

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If itā€™s not on Xbox someone messed up really badly

Had to be inside information.

The odds of THAT tweet without inside information is literally like cosmic horror levels of coincidence

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Nah, I genuinely think this is just a coincidence.

Ms owns the IP and had licensed the rights to the dev which now Paradox owns.

The catch is that back when Ms licensed they prohibited them from making a console version. But likely broke that requirement since Mechwarrior 5 ended up releasing and was a similar deal

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Then I am genuinely terrorfied.

Bayonetta 3 looked like a game from 2013.


Yeah, but the game appeared to be running at 60 FPS (with noticeable frame drops), so it is somewhat understandable. All Nintendo-exclusive games look outdated at this point, aside from a few exceptions like BOTW2.

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Iā€™m happy to finally see Bayonetta 3 but I do think it could have looked better graphically, looked kinda rough.

Sounds like sheā€™s been recast, hell she even looks like a grown up Cereza. Makes a bit of sense because she was struggling in the trailer from TGA 2017. She looks great though! They definitely took a lot from Scalebound too.

Splatoon 3 campaign looks really nice as well and ambitious. And 3D Kirby is long overdue but Iā€™m pretty excited for it.

Iā€™m absolutely not going to pay extra on my NSO subscription in order to play a bunch of N64 and Mega Drive roms. Greedy as fuck.

Didnā€™t care for the rest of the direct besides Metroid Dread.



Donā€™t worry, yall will get another blade wielder for the final smash character. :sob:


Sad Tb GIF by Hide The Pain Harold

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Even outside of the graphics the game looks off. Canā€™t put my finger on, but something changed in the combat even against the smaller mobs and not for the better.

I did like they trying to put new ideas like Thuban making a comeback lol

The comments are already asking for everything else now lol

I thought they were done bringing games to other platforms. I meanā€¦itā€™s just the N64 game, but still. Itā€™s good news for those that want it on Switch though.

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OMg dude. No. lol

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