NieR Replicant - Hype Check

When i made this thread i never anticipated a Yakuza game coming out the same day as this game lol! I’ll get to this game after Judgment.

We need to support this type of games.

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0 enhancements, it’s still 1080p and $60 vs. Judgement which is fully enhanced for $40. I’d much rather support Judgement than this remake.

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You can do both.

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Tell that to my wife. (please)


Dear Mrs. Jesse Norris,

He can do both.


That guy your husband is always complaining about. The one with the GIFS, AKA ProgStopper

PS: Your husband probably banned me and I didn’t like that. Please tell him that wasn’t cool.

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Judgment is more appealing to me too. I’ll get to Nier down the line.

Loved Automata, can’t wait to dive into this tonight. I’ll happily play full price for a game of this quality regardless of features compared to the trash Ubisoft and EA shove out every year.

If you can’t afford to get this game but you still want to show support for its presence, maybe you could add it to your wishlist? I don’t know if they have telemetry or whatever on that, but maybe it’s something. Or tweet at one of the official accounts? I dunno, I have a lot of sympathy for folks who can’t get games out of principle (as I frequently find myself in the same position)

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Not to be a nuisance, but no one has replied to my post about Quick Resume. Anyone else with the game able to verify whether QR is working for them? It’s not for me.

We really deserve better messaging from Xbox about this stuff.

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This is a full on remake. Judgement is a re-release in higher res that is 20 bucks on ps4.

Also again. Stop acting like every game must have ps5 and series enhancements to be viable. This game was advertised as a ps4 xbox one game ages ago. 60 bucks is the standard for last gen games. Judgement is 40 because it’s a 2 year old game enhanced for next gen. Nier automata was also 40 bucks on xbox when it came out…as it was a 2 year old game.

This is a remake of a 10 year old game. Pretty sure ps5 and x enhancements will come later.

I bought both but supporting this is far more important.

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Don’t buy a game if you don’t actually have interest in it. It’s not your job to buy games on day 1 in hopes you’ll get more like it.


Agree. I don’t truck with the idea of buying a game to ‘support’ x/y/z. I buy a game when I want to own that game.

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People who bought Ace Attorney day 1 on Xbox didn’t get more Ace Attorney games so it’s not as simple as taking a gamble and buying a game day 1.


Who is buying games at full price that don’t have interest in them? I have never seen anyone say that in here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also how is the concept of supporting (without the quotes) a dev and a game hard to understand? to stay on topic I love Nier and I bought Replicant day one to support the dev and hopefully see more games from Taro on Xbox. If someone doesn’t care about the series and it’s future, don’t want to pay full price or finds that for example lesser technical specs like 1080p prevents them from enjoying the game then more power to them but how is the concept of supporting a game/dev weird and hard to understand? :thinking:

BTW I played 7 hours yesterday and game is freakin’ awesome! combat, animations and art direction are so much better. Pleasantly surprised by the graphical quality too, game looks great (the improved lighting helps a lot with the atmosphere of the game) and is smooth as butter on my One X so it’s gonna be even better on Series consoles with 16xAF and Auto HDR. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ve seen a lot of “buy insert game so we get more Japanese game support” but it’s not as simple as that. I buy games when i want and don’t feel pressured to buy them on day 1.

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Who is saying that?

Anyhow has anyone done the dog max grandad sidequest? This game is brutally cold.

I never bought a game that I don’t find interesting just to get more games like it…that is a dumb thing to do. I bought Nier at full price instead of waiting for a price drop or game pass to support the dev (especially now that it has a retail release on Xbox as well) and hopefully see more games like this one in the future on Xbox.

My budget is not infinite so the games I decide to buy at full price are games from devs that I think are worth my money and support (so far this year I have bought Yakuza: LaD, Little Nightmares 2, It Takes Two and Nier Repilcant at full price). I am still buying games when they get cheaper too of course since I can’t buy every game I want day one (a few days ago I bought Ace Combat 7 for 20 euros for example). So yeah there is no pressure to do anything, I do it because I want to. :wink:

@ GoroMajima

Wait till you play more, this game is really something special. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Doesn’t work for me either. Thankfully I have a habit of saving before turning off my console even though I don’t technically have to with instant on but it has saved me twice already from habit.

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It isn’t working for me either. For what it’s worth, I read that they’re rolling out more quick resume information and control to the people enrolled in early OS builds so hopefully that’ll take some of the guesswork out of this.