Movies and TV shows thread

The first season like many others was still establishing it self but don’t discount it out because the later season call back to it and while it technically has 5 seasons i don’t count the last season and you will see why in season 4


It’s not just the graphics. The acting… :smile:

i will give you that but only in the first season

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The writing paths on B5 is beyond anything else out there. JMS had everything structured and tied together with multiple paths in the story, so if anything unexpected happened to the actors he had a path forward.

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Yeah, that first season was a bit rough, but I agree everyone seemed to settle into their roles after that.

The story of B5 is legit great. I don’t usually feel this way, but I kind of wish they would do a more modern version of B5 where they could get even darker with the story and characters. I feel like 90’s network television really held them back.

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Saw Babylon just now.

It’s about three hours long, but it didn’t feel like that. With some movies that last too long you really notice it, you start to get bored, not here. Not saying I think it’s a fantastic movie, but I did enjoy it. It’s especially being carried by Margot Robbie, she acts her ass off and as always, God…she’s so lovely, haha.

Brad Pitt is great too, and the new guy too, forgot the name but he has a just as important role in it. Some funny scenes too. I hated the trailer and end up enjoying the movie itself. Nice. :wink:

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apparently, we are among the few people that liked the movie. lol

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Critics hated it? Not surprised if that’s the case. I’ve stopped caring altogether what they think of movies, so many times they praise the shit out of a movie and I’m like, it’s OK. Or they hate on a movie and I end up appreciating it. :slight_smile:

Wasn’t just critics lol. It was the biggest bomb of last year.

Casual audiences didn’t like it.

It’s funny because if this was the 80-90’s, Margot Robbie would be one of the biggest box office draws in the business but in an IP led world, she’s at the forefront of a lot of “disappointments” when it comes to the box office lol.

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Yeah for sure. I just looked through the IMDb list of movies she’s played in and not a whole lot are blockbusters but damn if she doesn’t put her all into those movies. I Tonya for example, that was really good. And she’s great as Harley Quinn, especially in the Gunn Suicide Squad movie. And of course The wolf of Wall Street.

Is Birds of Prey worth a watch?

It’s solid, I enjoyed my time with it. Dependent on how much you like her Harley Quinn.

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I didnt like it because they butchered some of my fav characters (Cassandra Cain) but its a solid film overall. Margot did all of her stunts in that movie.

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I cant wait for episode 3.

Probably the episode where Tess dies.

Nope. Its an episode focused on Bill and Frank. Its a show original episode written by Craig Mazin.

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Oh, that’s cool that we actually get to see Frank this time…. Alive

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Watched Last of Us yesterday. Pedro Pascal can’t miss. If you haven’t seen Narcos and want more Pascal, do yourself and watch it (and also Narcos: Mexico).

My only gripe with the episode was the very brief flashback. Flashbacks that show a scene from the same episode is a pet peeve of mine because their use assumes that the audience has a memory of a gold fish.

Besides that, the episode was great, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the season. Although, some of the impact of the narrative is diminished for me by playing the game beforehand.


Narcos: Mexico IS worth it? That’s good to know. I did really enjoy the regular Narcos.

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