Movies and TV shows thread

HBD :birthday: :tada:

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Thanks bro!

I am super surprised, because DC Pets is tons of fun. It’s heartfelt, clearly made by people who love and know the franchises, they make fun of their own IP at times in a very nice way, plenty of humor that legit had me laughing. And dog owners will definitely understand some jokes.

Loved it actually.

Its made by the people that made Lego movies .

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That’s explains it! Nice.

Who else here adored this when they were young? It actually still is great and funny to watch, still looks good too!

Happy Botyh Day!

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I just finished watching Unbelievable on Netflix. Excellent detective drama based on real events. It deals with sexual assault and trauma heavily.

In a crime detective / serial killer thriller drama mood :gimme:

I’ll throw in another relevant recommendation

Manhunt Unabomber. Just so damn good.

Final episode of Better Call Saul is on tonight and im kinda sad about it.


Yeah. Been watching the BB universe since 2010…gonna be hard.


It will be missed.

But both BB and BCS will get another viewing from me, for damn sure. These shows don’t get old.

And whatever he’s making next, bring it the fuck on.

Welp, Westworld is over and done with. I can’t see how they could have a meaningful Season 5. At least it won’t be shuttered by the new WBDiscovery CEO leaving us with an unfinished story.

Looking forward to the BCS finale tonight.

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Had my nephews visiting me last week and we watched quite a few movies. Mostly comedies like The Nutty Professor and Dr Doolittle. Back when Eddie Murphy was legit funny. I have zero expectations for the new Beverly Hills Cop movie after how MEH Coming to America 2 was.

Yeah…. I’m still processing how I feel about Westworld.

I just read that House of the Dragon is gonna have a lot of sex (HBO, naturally), and it would be realistic or whatever to the - literally fictional - time/era basically meaning varieties of sexual assault or at best hardly consensual sex. HBO can fuck off with their bullshit, their use of sex is horrible and pointless and in cases harmful.

In a sense Season 4 felt dragged out and also rushed. It’s a contradiction to itself. I will need to rewatch the last episode, at least the last half of it to see how it hits. I’m really not sure how I feel about it. One thing I’m certain of is it doesn’t seem on the same level as Season 1 or Season 2 wrap-ups.

Remember the last thing we see in season 2, a host body human brain William in a dystopian future. Still never gotten anything like that, I think if we get a season 5 it’s about that. Delores figured out how to make human minds stop rejecting host bodies and returns to the real world to build a new society.

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Better Call Saul finale

Brilliant final episode. My God, this creative team knows what they’re doing, masterful work.

A lot of time travel talk in the episode, and it wasn’t for nothing. There is, obviously, no time travel in it, I feel like that was in a way some kind of subtle joke on how many recent works of fiction tend to introduce time travel late in their conclusion, but as it went on the episode itself traveled in time with no clear distinction on timelines, but it still felt linear, everything was feeding into the relevance of the other before and after it, and finally the “if you had a time machine” hypothetical question was answered not just by distilling it to the prospect of having regrets, but also by Jimmy actually giving time, his remaining time as a free man, sacrificing his shot at a shortened sentence, to actually change something, to serve something greater, his love for Kim.

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Better call Saul series finale

God I’m going to miss this show.

But this finale, It all makes sense.

Instead of more running and hiding, or letting Kim actually take the fall while serving only 7 years himself, or him actually dying…he decides it’s been enough and to come clean. He’s gonna do life, crazy. And while it’s very sad for him, as a viewer I am very ok with this ending. That part in the prisoner bus was damn cool too, he’s a hero in there.

One bit I am wondering about a little…

Jimmy says to the police in another scene how a collegeau of his was murdered. This whole story was all made up. Right? Because I don’t remember that from BB.