Microsoft Rewards Game Pass Quests

I’m in the US and I’m not seeing the May 10K Punch Card either.

Me whenever people talk about Microsoft Rewards


Its live in DE too, I started it last night.

Theres a guide on True achievements for some quick points too

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Anyone in Sweden got it?

its annoying how this is not available here in India yet, we’re suckers for this kinda shit and would probably spend all our lives doing these yet MS doesn’t seem to care.

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Well, hello there fellow C-tier customer!

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My heart bleeds for you, friends. If it makes you feel any better, this isn’t a massive amount of actual money in the greater scheme. I think it works to 10 USD for what would be several hours of grinding games you wouldn’t necessarily want to play.

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After just over a year of doing Xbox Ambassadors, I’ve have reached the highest level (4) and have received 4 months of free GPU with little actual involvement. It’s super easy, guys.

Edit: It gets easier the higher your level, too. I’ve already reached gold rank, to give you an impression.


I’ve not got that far with it but have won a couple of games in the sweepstakes with the tickets. The last one was that Subnautica Below Zero


Wow, lucky! I’ve never won and so tend to hoard my tickets :sweat_smile:

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I do my best to keep up with it. I just added the Rewards browser extension with Edge and my streaks are much better since. I’ve been able to buy up months of Game Pass and store credit over time so it’s been worth it. I most recently bought the Premium Battle Pass in Halo Infinite using points.

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Has anyone been able to get the Arkane Studios poll to pop up in the Xbox Rewards app?

No, it’s been glitched for alot of people.


Well seems like my weekly quests streak got reset just like that. It even says that there is one day left and it still got reset. Is there anything i can do about this? Please say yes.

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59 weeks in a row about to go down in the drain because the achievement Hunter thing is glitched :frowning::frowning:

Nvm, just had to wait an hour or so for it to go thru.

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I don’t think there’s anything you can do, sadly. I’ve read that some people were able to restore their other streak, the Bing search one, by reaching out to support. Might be worth trying but I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you :slightly_frowning_face:

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Well since i got no replies on here i decided to ask reddit and some helpful mod gave me an email adress to contact. I sent them an email with my problem and just got an auto reply with their findings. They told me my streak was broken the week from feb 8 to feb 14 but this isnt correct as it was broken last week not the week before. But im checking out a calender now and it says feb 14 was a monday?! I thought the week ran till tuesday when the new one started but apparently it ends on monday even if the rewards app says 1 day left. Didnt think about it before but yeh its the first time i finished that weekly later then sunday so yeh… Ms proposed to correct it one time only so i guess i m lucky. Lesson learned the weekly streak ends on monday not tuesday like the app says. Its maybe because of timezones that the app is wrong.

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Maybe it was Y2/2/22K! Seriously though, glad you got your streak restored :smiley:


Is there no daily quest today for logging in to the mobile app?