Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)


Times like these are great. It exposes journalists and gamers so that I can follow or block them from Twitter.

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Jez after criticising the inherent bias in gaming journalism and subsequently catching flak for it …


Nice point! I haven’t seen that issue brought up yet. So many layers to this deal.

Yeah, you have a point. Sony is not making it as easy as Xbox. And every time they drop BC, it’s bad for consumers.

I just don’t want PlayStation to lose too much. Xbox needs competition.

And we know MS/Xbox can get too cocky sometimes, especially when they are in a good position. Just saying.

I love what they’ve done, but those 70b$, they’ll have to make it back somehow.



I think the big part of this deal that a lot of people are kind of sleeping on, is that this acquisition can and probably will become the vehicle for Microsoft to make a big splash in Asia. Blizzard games were and still are fairly popular in the Asian market, and with a Blizzard that’s managed well and is firing on all cylinders Microsoft effectively finally has actual content to push gamepass with in the Asian market.

It’s absolutely only a beginning but it’s a beginning that I think ends with them setting their sights on several Asian studios/publishers to potentially acquire.

I’d be concerned if I were Sony, since their strategy to keep Japanese support intact seems to just be moneyhatting SE games, and then just continuing to be the best selling console in the console market, and that’s not to say that Asian developers will abandon the platform in favor of going to Xbox, it’s to say,

  1. it’s going to be a lot harder for Asian devs to justify only releasing on Playstation if what they seek is global success
  2. Microsoft now has a foothold in Asia, and has officially set it’s crosshairs on wanting to have the attention of gamers in that market, which they’ll start to have with Blizzard, but for the long term will likely want to invest more in content from that region (which is where XGP and acquisitions probably come into the picture)

Did he take a dig at Jason it was?

Fingers crossed! That’s the part of this acquisition I’m most excited about: the increase of Xbox’s install base from owning (and hopefully having exclusive access to) things like Call of Duty, Overwatch, Warcraft/Starcraft, etc will hopefully make other developers/publishers realize that they can’t as easily dismiss Xbox when deciding where to release their games.


Something i just found: The Chief Creative Officer for Toys for bob is liking tweets about crash and spyro coming back

Pretty damn safe to say that when xbox gains control over these studios, the sudios are pumped to work on those IP’s again.


Interesting observation:

Diablo 4 was announced as PS4 and Xbox One. Now when it ships, it could be there is only a PS4 version that’s BC for PS5 without a native version ALA Psychonauts 2 with a native Series X version.


Psychonauts 2 only released on PS4 because of kickstarter. I don’t think Diablo or Overwatch are obligated to release on Playstation


According to Benji, Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 were officially announced for the PS4 console, so that probably falls under previous obligations.

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What obligation does Blizzard have to a platform that they put a logo for at the end of a trailer? They haven’t accepted money from Sony for those games.


Why would Xbox put Diablo 4 on Playstation when it’s more than likely the last game this entire generation? There’s no contractual obligations to do so.


There have been multiple indie games that have announced xbox/playstation/nintendo as a platform, and then have gone back on those platforms later on. No reason a bigger game just cant axe a platform.

Hell little devil inside announced an xbox version on their kickstarter and later accepted a playstation exclusive deal


People need to get out of the “it has platforms announced so it can’t change” mindset. There is no contractual obligation due to announcing a platform. There might be some concern over appearance, but just like “not buying a public company” it can happen when it happens.


What I’m more curious about is the Sony/COD contract. Does it state in writing that COD needs to be released on their console? Or is it simply at the end of every trailer for COD the PlayStation branding needs to appear? Will be kind of funny to watch commercials of Call of Duty saying “Play it day 1 on gamepass” then directly cuts to the PlayStation logo lol