Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

That is not true as a blanket statement. It entirely depends on the details. Anti-trust regulations are about keeping companies from unfairly leveraging their position in the market to unduly harm or hinder competition. MS being able to blow a huge hole in their main competitor’s ecosystem if they feel like it is something that is likely to run afoul of regulations. If Sony started telling pubs they can’t release on Xbox if they wanna release on PSX, THAT would be anti-competitive, but Sony isn’t doing that. They are doing other anti-consumer things though (like their timed deals).

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Hey man regardless of CoD is exclusive or multiplat, Phil’s out here name dropping Hexen, which means it’s coming back baby.

Get MVG on the horn and start the Nightdive Remaster.

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Sony’s anime spree faced extremely stiff regulatory scrutiny and got delayed as a result of that. Sounds like ‘fuss’ to me. The Disney/Fox merger also endured tons of careful scrutiny. Where do you ppl get this notion that other big mergers/acquisitions just flew through the regulatory agencies smoothly or without scrutiny?! o.0

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Folks should also consider the possibility that CoD staying multiplat might not mean day and date. Not saying it would be timed, but it seems plausible to me. That would not seem like the kinda thing a regulator would fret over.


It could be that the series is just tired, or that we went through all these cyclical debates last time and the multiplat side ended up being wrong and it was all just so tiresome…but with COD…while I know it is huge, like absurd huge…Im kind of just like…who cares.

Give em some scraps, clear the path the getting the deal passed, reap the benefits of the other studios and their new freedom and you still are essentially giving the Xbox side COD for free in game pass. I just dont really care which way it goes.

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What if MS allowed COD on Playstation but only physical copies. Next E3 they could say “this is how you buy Cod on Playstation” as Phil hands Matt a boxed copy of COD.


Phil: “It’s timed exclusive to us for now. Just like FF7 is timed exclusive to you. It’ll come… eventually”


Still got through in the end and those examples were market leaders going on a buying spree to become a even stronger version of Goliath. This deal is David climbing up the ladder to reach 3rd place in gaming. Anti trust will do their investigation, but the deal won’t be at risk at all, even if CoD is fully exclusive.

Keeping COD on PS can easily mean existing games. Existing contracts is called out because it signifies the are pre existing items that have been agreed to and are legally and contractually binding. He’s letting investors know.


They should charge 30% more than the XSX version to make up for Sony’s cut lol


Sony has literally done that to their own fans. I own hundreds of PS1, PS2, vita, psp, and PS3 digital games that I purchased during the PS3 era. Nintendo has done that as well. I would even argue that with the variable clock speeds required for PS4 and PS5 that it’s possible Sony starts a clean slate with PS6 and nixes backwards compatibility again. Rumor is PlayStation VR2 will not support PlayStation VR. Nintendo and Sony have stolen thousands of dollars from me, based on your logic.

game next week ?


No, this is a lousy idea.

They should charge a 43% premium. That would equalize the revenue! :wink:


That’s pretty good. Disney :fox_face:

I am curious about the cross play rule PS has and wether MS will agree to their terms.

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What’s the earliest we can expect World War II on Game Pass?

I’m glad I didn’t buy it but I do want to try the campaign.

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Feels like the motivation has renewed over there.

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