Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT4| - Dawn of the Final Day, Deal is done!

I don’t understand why they can’t just add games to Xbox Game Pass first and then add them to PC Gane Pass later. They have done it with launching on PC and getting Xbox ports later.

Guitar Hero does seem ripe for a comeback, it seems like it would be perfect in the GaaS era where they could constantly add new music instead of running the series into the ground by pumping out new sequels every year like Bobby did

Only hold back might be the whole peripheral side of it, do they find a way to let people just use their old instruments or do they feel buying new ones won’t be an issue for people

I guess that’s the major issue with something like GH, you pretty much gotta have one of those funky guitar controllers


They could do that, but maybe they don’t really feel like they are in a rush. It’s better to release on both and Game Pass is on such a good run that it does ‘need’ them right away. It might make more sense to meter them out and keep strong monthly Game Pass drops going. We don’t really know the timing of their first party releases for 2024 yet.


If Xbox could make and release instrument controllers that would work for Xbox, PS, maybe new Switch and pc, can you imagine how many they’d sell? The old ones go for a lot of money for at least some of them. Could do wireless for Xbox and wired for the others or an adapter or something.

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So, anyway, where my folks at who’ve been with me since the beginning? Can you believe we’re finally at the end? This has gone on forever and I’m looking forward for it to be done so Microsoft can get back on track with smaller studio acquisitions that would’ve been done a long time ago (Asobo, Crystal Dynamics, etc.).

We’re almost there!


If Microsoft plans to close on the 13th it probably means CMA will either approve on the 12th or 13th, so no need to worry :sweat_smile:

I think it would have to be today or the latest tomorrow because I think Microsoft has to give 24 hour notice that they are going to aquire all the shares and delist ABK. Atleast that is what I think I remember reading

Omg that’s the lamb puppet from a South Park episode. I never knew that puppet was from a real thing, my life has changed forever.

The article seems odd, fingers crossed today is the day I’m ready to finally play the spyro trilogy.

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Do me a favor and @ me when the CMA announces something. Don’t care if my inbox explodes.

Gn fam.


Yeah I was going to suggest having the two of them in a room opened up some great possibilities for humanity……

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This is gonna be so anti-climactic when it actually happens, lmao. Especially if it happens on Friday and nothing gets added to Game Pass before the weekend.


I totally get why they might go outside of ABK for the town hall interviewer.

Remember also that, whilst James Corden does annoy some people, he is very well respected in the industry as an “light” interviewer, makes the interviewees seem pretty sympathetic and is not an interrogator. He also has a laid back style and, size this was an all hands event, it would be watched by thousands of people, so essentially they have treated it like a TV programme. where Bobby wants to be made to look good and to generate a happy, positive vibe.

There was a trend that went through big companies some time ago (passed across my view some 2ish years ago) where it was felt that things like all hands, Q&As with big wigs and information sharing was more accessible to the plebs if conducted in a talk show style interview format. More usually carried out by other company execs though e.g. CFO interviews CEO etc.

All but disappeared now AFAIK as they realised that people are just interested in a transparent (as transparent as management ever get anyway) outlook and not gimmicks.

So it doesn’t surprise me that Bobby is still using this format and also taking it large with a celebrity interviewer. Ego much?


Nah not if we get a welcome to the family trailer :smiley:

While a announcement of the deal closing with games being added would be great right before the weekend, it’s OK if it’s not. But I do expect a good amount of older previously released games, excluding Diablo 4 unfortunately to soon be added. Similar to how they did it for Bethesda games.

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Probably but I will just be glad for it to be ‘over’ (not technically but you know what I mean).

Also because there are a number of potential acquisition candidates right now which I would prefer Xbox go after.

The good news for Microsoft is they have the infrastructure in place to make peripherals. One of the biggest issues for Activision (and more recently with Harmonix) was lacking the ability to make the peripherals in house. They had to rely on third parties like MadCatz/PDP to manufacture them and that increased the costs and lack of quality control.

If I’m Microsoft, not only do I bring back Guitar Hero and manufacture new peripherals, I would also work with Harmonix/Epic to ensure that whatever you manufacture also is compatible with Rock Band 4. As a platform holder, it’s a win-win for Microsoft. Not only do you bring in people to play the new Guitar Hero, you also ensure current Rock Band fans continue to play and buy content and peripherals on Xbox/PC.


That Infact is most likely to happen.

yea i think post closure they still have some bureaucracy to do, but at least we should expect a roundtable and the trailer of same style of zenimax acquisition.