Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT4| - Dawn of the Final Day, Deal is done!

We had better be in the Endgame. Could you imagine if we aren’t and had another year of this? That would be awful and disappointing.


FTC drops suit

Stibbs, in response: “Does this mean they are going to continue their court case on August 2?”



This acquisition showed us there’s apparently a lot of people out there who (out of nowhere) worries about the “health” of the industry, consolidation, welfare of devs, competitiviness and fairness in the gaming space, public image, governments sovereignity, the job of regulators (even if those are objectively in the wrong), how to run a business and do it “correctly”, that suddenly Ninty was not a competitor, cloud and susbcription services …and I could go on and on.

I dont know, maybe its because I’ve been living under a rock this couple of months but I’ve never imagined gamers to be this righteuos, selfess and open minded.


So apparently there will be another hearing this Friday with the same parties in the UK? Does someone know what will happen there? After that it will begin the negotiation table between MS and the CMA?



No, we are in the last lap.


:rofl: If that’s true it just goes to show what happens behind closed doors.

To make a decision in 2 weeks the CMA has likely known about this for months but didn’t act on anything until the FTC loss. Even publicly they are still posturing (we are waiting for MS / we need to see if it addresses our concerns etc). Realistically they are probably being told behind the scenes they need to STFU or they will cut their funding…


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CMA make provisional decision by 7th but then they need consultation with stakeholders. So the full process will go way past 7th and as it’s confidential we won’t hear till final order is released.

I know but they will know if they still have concerns or not.

Anyway they’ve said they aim to get it done ahead of the 29th deadline so I suspect we will find out before then.


Aug 7th. :crossed_fingers:t5:

August is going to be spicy.


Here’s hoping this topic also doesn’t reach 10,000 and it ends here.


That will just be for phase 1 findings, won’t it?

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Yes, there is a procedure. If preliminary findings are ok, they will not b challenged, and the trip will be smooth to the final order.


Man’s reverse jinxing like he is getting paid for it.

As per Foss “Preliminary Phase 1 views and that week, not necessarily that day.”

One thing that I am confident in is that this deal is going to close even if the CMA still tried to block after reviewing a restructured deal from Microsoft. I think that they are taking the right approach to start with trying to address things with the CMA, but they absolutely will not and should not permit the UK government to block a deal of this importance between two U.S. companies when the facts are that consumers including in the UK will benefit. I get the thought that you don’t want to be on the bad side of regulators in the future which is why they are going with this current approach, but it cuts both ways of course too. You cannot allow the UK to establish a precedent where they can torpedo your business now and in the future as some self-appointed gatekeeper of the world or something, and they will close the deal and fight in the courts and through government level if the CMA doesn’t play ball reasonably here.