Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT3| - Sony bends the knee!

They can technically close the deal in the States and the EU right? Probably won’t though to show the CMA respect even though they don’t deserve none of it.

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Not surprising tbh. I remember I went back to school last year, and most college kids were PC gamers. I think younger generation is gravitating towards PC gaming tbh.


DotA 2, LoL and CSGO are so big on PC, they don’t even need a console port.

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If you play FPS or anything competitive. It’ best on a PC. The responsiveness and high refresh rates are just so much better for competitive gaming

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nice, 0.99 $ dividend.

i'll allow it



Yes, but let them work things out first. They are still aiming for August based on last court show. Besides, make a good amend would allow easier purchase next time because there will be a next time.


CMA deadline is end of August correct?

Hopefully they reach a conclusion before that.

The moment CMA approves the moment they should close it.


As many are saying, including Tom and Florian, August is the month where things are going to be quite progressing as they are aiming to get it done by 29th. It could happen earlier or maybe little later, but the head start has been done. It is telling for CMA and Microsoft to be on the same boat, which is a great sign. I know, CMA is the evil one, but let’s act like…well that game that I won’t say because spoiler, but the point is, they are working out.


Would be stupid to do so right now. Theyre not in a rush and cma is only hurdle

Theyve waited 18 months and they are clearly confident it will end soon

Also it makes 0 difference to MS wether they close now or in a month.

The only thing ill say is i dont think MS would want to close deal too close to Starfield

People will expect them to drop 30 plus abk games on gamepass and i cant see MS do that near Starfield.


Is there confirmation of the dividend anywhere?

Edit: Nevermind, just found it in the document linked by Brad Smith.



Brad Smith tweeted a document with

Activision Blizzard is entitled to pay $0.99 per share to its shareholders

about time, the last dividend payment was in May 2022.

Can I buy one?


I don’t think it will matter too much, if it closes near Starfield, Xbox fans will be too busy playing Starfield anyway

Part of me thinks they won’t drop all them at once anyway but do them in a few batches but who knows

That’s a really nice design

They are also giving themselves full cover here to just close without full CMA approval if they start goofing around and putting thinks at risk again. The CAT will not appreciate any games by the CMA, and the additional billion dollars in breakup fee that happens after the August 29th date adds additional private equities harms if necessary in any arguments. So I still think this thing closes by end of August with amenable CMA agreements, but I think that same timeline could hold for a closure over the CMA if they mess around as I stated.


They will probably want to have this done before Gamescom.


This is precisely why; I mentioned this when there was some talk about how MS “lost” somehow on Monday by choosing to work with the CMA. There will be a next time, and this ensures regulators that Microsoft is adaptable and willing to work with instead of against, as you see so often is the case.

Also, those “ABK will walk away and pocket $3 billion” folks sure are quiet today :joy:


I know they are trying to play nice with regulators but if they were going to extend until October anyway they might as well have just taken the CMA to CAT to appeal the initial decision.

Wasn’t the trial set for early August anyway?