Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT3| - Sony bends the knee!

Because it is more pragmatic to work with regulators than be contentious. The FTC got contentious because they wouldn’t even negotiate. CMA changed their mind, so you oblige them. Particularly when the judge essentially tells them it is happening, so get it done.


No signs of ABK/Kotick backing out as we have an official extension or the CMA being jank as the CAT doesn’t have the patience for it and has highly suggested a solution.

I’m confident this will be done by Aug 29th. Not worried.


We already discussed that. MS is not here to win against the regulators, this is not a fight they want to do.

As for the FTC, it was clear from the start that the fight was ideological and could not be won by discussion.

3 months is enough to tell that CMA has time and if it closed before this is not because of a pressure clock that MS would put in front of CMA.

People seem really picky about how Xbox fans talk about Phil while for decades Sony fans would be making memes about Kaz and Ken Kutaragi and any exec at Sony.

Seems as usual the rules are different for Sony fans where they can make memes and idolize any Sony exec but the second someone else does it with another company it becomes “Cringe”

Tired of the Sony double standard in all of gaming.


The CAT decision was say October then back to CMA to re-run an investigation. 2-3 months - probably January/February 2024 before you’d have approval or not.

People keep saying these crazy things. Why would you want further delay and a high likelihood of failure over working something out with the CMA now that will take a couple of months and is very very likely to end in closure?


All current deadlines are pretty meaningless and can be extended by the parties involved. Their is no current deadline that if passed the merger dies,

if they fight with the CMA that take longer than what they were proposing because once the decision by the CAT they still would had concerns so might as well address them instead of fighting which they both agreed too

it likes nobody heard what they were saying in the livestream any route beside the one both the CMA & MS were proposing would have taken longer and that was not acceptable too both

It is my understanding that the CAT would have had the authority to essentially overthrow the CMA decision as part of their appeal allowing MS to close immediately. Not just refer MS back to the CMA for a new investigation. Therefore wrapping up early August, whereas now we have to wait for the CMA anyway which could go into September or beyond.

I understand that however why play nice when MS are essentially going to have to concede something and potentially wait beyond the end of August for a decision which could have been overthrown in a few weeks? Unless I’m missing something UK customers are likely going to get a worse deal and MS will likely have to wait even longer (just to keep on good terms)?

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have you not seen the countless articles and lawyers saying that they very rarely overturn a CMA decision what they do is tell them to do it again properly within the guidelines

Because they are going to be here again in the future. You want to come out of this process looking like the reasonable party. Which to this point, they have.

And the CMA deadline is Aug 29th, the termination fees increase after the 29th, all indications are this is done within the next month.


As we have learned - they can overthrow a decision but it is the CMA’s discretion to actually make the decision. Hence - if they overthrow the entire decision the CMA would have to still open a new investigation. The timeline is not going to be anything other than slower via CAT. And the CAT probably do NOT have the jurisdiction to simply overrule the CMA since they do not review the case on merits. They might simply decide that some things were not ‘in order’ and therefore ask the the CMA to look again.

Bottom line - CAT highly unlikely MS would win well enough to overturn. Also a much longer process.

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Just trust that MS, ABK and their obscenely priced lawyers know what they’re doing. :smile:


Plus they might be back here again for another acquisition whether its gaming or otherwise why antagonize them and close over them when they both can reach an agreement


Kotick is reported to have said they’re “committed to Microsoft as long as needed”. They’re just as invested as Microsoft in getting this over the line.


I think some people wanted it to either go to CAT or MS to close over the CMA as revenge or something along those lines

It’s always better to work with these regulators wherever they can, not only for this but for any future acquisitions MS will want to make

If CMA are being genuine about working something out, MS really have no reason to not do it


Wow at the new ftc guidelines! They’re the big mad over xbox abk. And while im generally very pro ftc i cant see these surviving the courts.



I know, I just can’t find anyone who can explain why they have have taken this route except ‘Twitter trolls’ who can’t seem to explain it either!

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I think ultimately people think its easy to just fight off regulators due to how it is in the USA. No matter how many times they hear its not the same in the UK and how many historical situations show that they just think ‘yeah win in court’.

Its completely different here. It took a full afternoon and part of an evening to adjourn a case that both sides wanted adjourned…

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I wonder what the doom posters will post about now