Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT3| - Sony bends the knee!

Yeah, just close this.

I Imagine that MS will want to keep the good guy image by waiting for the result of the CAT hearing, but I hope they press ahead with closure immediately, making it clear that they will still abide by/work within the confines of any result of the CAT hearing (basically, ring-fence UK/pull cloud gaming from UK etc - but still close the acquisition).

CMA looking kinda lonely


Fucking finally

Or it’s a statement to the CMA that says “Get what you can from us, while you can”. :smile:


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Its not over. FTC can appeal and get another temporary Injunction. Also Even if Microsoft closed. FYC can still win down the raod and Microsoft have to sell ABK. The Appeal can break the deal since it will take it past the 18th. But if Appeal not granted then it be very unlikely FTC will win. I almost wish FTC won then we be done with it.



To me it sound that it wants to find solution for the remainder of the regulators left to decide like australia and new zealand.

The FTC chances of winning an appeal here seem very very very low.


Yeah, that’s how it looks to me as well. So I guess we wait again, lmao.

And if CMA doesn’t agree, what are we looking at then? Assuming FTC doesn’t appeal.


I agree but it still will take it past the 18th and ABK will back out

That is certainly possible, but highly unlikely.

If they cant even present a case solid enough to get an injunction its a pretty tall order to completely rebound and convince a court that the whole thing should be entirely reversed.


Remember, a lot of this is not only because the FTC had no case or MS had better lawyers. No, Judge Corley was well informed and asked the right questions about this market. Because she already had to deal with the Gamers Lawsuit from Playstation fans.

So thanks, Playstation fans for preparing Judge Corley really well :+1:


Let’s wait and see. Right now, it is either give in or plan z.

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No it won’t. They have to win a stay before close of play Friday. Good luck!

Even if they close over the CMA, they can still work out a deal with them. So, I don’t think his comments really mean anything.


Disagree entirely. The deal will close next week and they will worry about the CMA later. The whole PI process was because MS was planning on closing and they were trying to stop it.


now lets seee whats next lol

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Yep. More waiting, ah well, it’s fine.

Back to RDR2 for me.

If anything, it feels like 4th quarter of NBA game where it’s only 30 seconds left and the opposing team is 20 points behind. You’re just waiting for the inevitable.