After midnight on the 14th they can, assuming the FTC does not appeal.
Haha. FTC will appeal. On what grounds? They will but they’ve got nothing.
Man lost his mind.
They can after 14th regardless unless FTC WIN another TRO which has been said to be extremely unlikely (assuming that is true).
As I said above, she did not left any hole : no console, no cloud, no COD, no competion harm.
TRO goes away on Friday Night
This guy is biased. Not sure.
Thank god this is all over, pretty much 40-1 for this deal with the CMA being the only hold out. MS will close over the CMA appeal any fines and then take it to the CAT, but this will be after they have already closed.
now this thing can be over thank god
lol we posted same thing at same time
Ha ha, going to be awesome times in the future for Xbox, MS is spending more than any company EVER in gaming. We are in for some good times ahead.
This is sad day for Playstation CoD players who now have to worry about whether they too will receive CoD Christmas skins.
It’s basically done right? FTC appeal will 100% fail, and from what I understand it’s a given Microsoft will close over CMA, so there’s no more hurdles and it’s just a matter of days till Ms comes out with an announcement?
Brad Smith’s statement doesn’t sound to me like they plan to close imminently or over the top of the CMA.