Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT3| - Sony bends the knee!

umm, based on past history it’s actually very likely for FTC to drop the case if PI is denied. in fact, I think FTC has dropped every case after lost at the PI stage.

This is a weak case for FTC to begin with, and the chance for FTC to win a divestiture case against MS after losing PI is just too slim to be worth the backslash. FTC is already resources constraint, they already have difficulties justifying why take so many companies to court and will be under a lot more scrutiny if they spend more resources on an obvious dead end.

I do think they will try to appear if the PI is denied, but if that’s also denied I don’t think FTC will try to pursue it any further.


Isnt this old news? We knew for a while there were 74 email exchanges between the CMA and FTC

Is this soemthing new?

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Yes this is new because the claim was that their communications was unrelated to the case.

Although one comment claims that this letter came out a month ago. Still it’s a direct contradiction to what they claimed earlier.

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The longer this goes on the more I wonder if she is just going to grant the PI so timing simply wouldn’t matter?

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or she’s just taking the most time she has allotted to her to make her decision lol.


So is the expectation now anytime within the next 24 hours (Monday time in California)?

It was funny, each time I woke up in the night I checked this thread to see if 100+ messages had arrived :blush:

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That would be unprofessional of her, even if she’s going to grant the PI, the party involved needed to know the decision ASAP to determine the next course of action.

Yeah I mean I guess there is no allotted time. She can take as long as necessary even if it goes beyond the agreement date. These things would normally take weeks if not longer. We are all just impatient I guess.

My cousin Frank says this parties gettin’ crazy!


Oooooh boy it’s about to get crazy!

Last day. If they need to extend a lot of call option holders will be crying.

So I guess we will hear today?

Fingers crossed anyway

From 343? :wink:



The judge is not responsible of the timeline. She knows about the FTC delay tactics, but she can not compromise her own reflexion.

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Maybe I’m misremembering, but I don’t think that’s the case at all. I thought the 74 emails was communications specifically related to this case and that their claim was that no inappropriate info was shared once the waiver was withdrawn.

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Agreed. I’m sure she is aware of the time line but she does need to do the matter justice. I don’t have any concerns with her efforts no matter what the outcome now.

If she doesn’t reveal her ruling today, then we should all totally grief her at spawn points the next time she logs onto Halo Infinite.


It can goes either way. She may need more time to deny the PI, but she also may need more time to grant the PI. In both cases, the TRO will be exhausted and it can discussed than a TRO can alone block the deal.

I’m aware the ruling can go either way, but I’m also of the opinion that Acti and MSFT probably have a rider to extend if needed for a short period for some additional money. The tro isn’t going to block on its own.