Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT2| The NeverEnding Acquisition

Not even gonna give them clicks

But these people live in an alternate reality


Simple answer: Itā€™s a free newspaper they give away at train stations and their gaming section is just 500 word essays written by readers. The standards are really really low.


Why do so many of you seem to seek this shit out?


Iā€™m about to crack open a fresh copy of the National Inquirer so see what the aliens and bigfoot are up to before checking to see if they have any in depth analysis about Xbox. Stay tuned. :smile:


It really is the modern equivalent of folks being in love with the tabloids.

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Ha, so Microsoft is indirectly supporting Google cloud competition by providing Ubitus Cod for 10 years, surely thatā€™s probably going to help take the sting out of Googleā€™s complaints a little.


I remember MS saying in their response to CMAā€™s provisional finding EA, not Activision, was the publisher that generated the most engagement between the two platforms. At that time I thought it was MS trying to downplay ABKā€™s importance but in the end it seems their work was right all along. Wonder what other things has the CMA gotten wrong.

I guess this is why these publishers are called the Big 4+Epic and really impressive results for MS all thinks considered.

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Yeah but to built an ā€œeffectiveā€ case" Google would need to have a presence in the cloud gaming to complain how this acquisition will harm them in said space. Turns out they donā€™t even have cloud services in China.

And as far as I know they donā€™t really have much presence in China apart from their pixel phones.


With the CMAā€™s decision due in three weeks am I the only one that thinks we should start to hear rumors about which way their decision is leaning by the end of the next week or beginning of the following week?

Maybe but according to Idas at this stage it is unlikely to hear more until the deadline (it could get approved or blocked before that too)

There is zero to worry about in China. The nuclear option of completely pulling out of China is available to MS should SAMR be compromised. I would give the probability of SAMR opposing the deal a <1% chance. Unlike in the Western markets pulling out of China would not be a politically damaging move.


Yeah agree and I dont think Netease has that much leverage, specially when you have Tencent on your side. What are your thoughts on the CMA? I know chances of going through are far higher now but after what was basically an apology from the CMA I donā€™t know how to read them anymore :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I was thinking more that a decision will be made in the next week or two and then they will have to do their full write up leading up to the deadline. Someone like Mlex or one of the big news agencies(Reuters/bloomberg) are likely to get the scoop from someone working on the paperwork or maybe even Microsoft, whose lawyers will be in constant contact and will get an idea of the decision before hand

Well Iā€™m expecting something like that to happen but who knows. There is only three weeks left for the most important process so letā€™s hope something G O O D leaks in the coming days.

My opinion is that CMA is a done deal.


The lack of logic or even basic comprehension is absolutely staggering. Though I have to think its someone doing it deliberately rather than genuinely thinking this stuff? Has to be surelyā€¦nobody could be THAT stupid by accident?

The guys got form here are a selection of his previous headlines:

Why Microsoft didnā€™t win E3 2019

Gears 5 is bland and boring and Microsoft should feel bad about it

Mario Kart Tour is a disgrace that Nintendo should be ashamed of

Resident Evil Village is an awful game and not Game of the Year material

Why does Xbox keep hiring other developers to make its games?

God Of War Ragnarƶk is the worst game Iā€™ve played this year

As you can see he is an equal opportunities hater (and not worth a link). Clearly a loon.

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Holy moly. That is S tier nonsense, right there. But Iā€™ll bit. Go on.

MS wonā€™t be under any pressure for an immediate return on investment. The value stays in the assetā€¦all they have done is swap cash for a company. If they wanted to they could just turn it back by selling ABK again.

Sony would have to pay extra for COPD to be on PS Plus. They arenā€™t getting it free as some kind of concession. That is a lot of extra money for MS.

If they donā€™t pay for that, MS get that in built advantage of COD being ā€œfreeā€ on their sub service.

It appears likely to they wonā€™t have to sign any form of console based concessions anyway, though I do think MS will sign deals as a good corporate citizen, getting extra money in the process.

Every sale of and within COD on PS will secure MS 70% of the purchase price. That is new income.

Feedback and evidence suggests that morale will significantly improve under MS. Not least because staff will be able to unionise.

How will MS be distracted by the acquisition? They will have all those extra staff to work on it.

How will/has all these acquisitions slowed down Xbox momentum?

Since the acquisition of Bethesda and others since 2018, MS have been slowly ramping up both quality and number of releases. Getting publisher of the year 2021. 2022 was a blip year but this year, they have 9 first party games due for release, excluding unknown games or ABK games.

Once they get ABK, any and all of those games will be first party, only accelerating the output figures.

Xbox are also about to make profit from other cloud providers too. They wonā€™t be losing money from people using these cloud competitors. They will be making money on them. Sony on the other hand will undoubtedly lose even a small portion of gamers who decide instead not to buy the game outright, but stream it from somewhere. Sony simply donā€™t have the cloud capacity to do this.


I only made it to ā€œThatā€™s their most expensive purchase ever, which is going to leave them counting the pennies for decades to comeā€

so funny, hahaha

I assume this has been discussed here already?