Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT2| The NeverEnding Acquisition

They f**ked up, they got the math wrong/Got more information from MS, admitted their mistake which is why they did a 180.

That deal is gone now, CMA nor EU cares about CoD parity. Sony messed up iwth that.

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They’ll still try and get a deal on the books. They’ll want to try and secure greater than 70% revenue share if possible.

I know, but to think, they actually went back on it this early and corrected it is basically a first step of smartening up: learn your mistake.


Microsoft got its consent from all the market participants in the cloud gaming space. The only one who could oppose the deal is Sony, but since a) Sonyhas been its worst enemy in that market and its efforts have been tepid at best, b) its previous submissions to CMA never mentioned how this deal would hinder its plans for its expansion into cloud gaming, its opposition would seem in bad faith.

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A new report from MLex (just recapping the new PF) includes official statements from MS and ABK.

  • A Microsoft spokesperson said: “We appreciate the CMA’s rigorous and thorough evaluation of the evidence and welcome its updated provisional findings. This deal will provide more players with more choice in how they play Call of Duty and their favorite games. We look forward to working with the CMA to resolve any outstanding concerns.”
  • An Activision Blizzard spokesperson said: "The CMA’s updated provisional findings show an improved understanding of the console gaming market and demonstrate a commitment to supporting players and competition. Sony’s campaign to protect its dominance by blocking our merger can’t overcome the facts, and Microsoft has already presented effective and enforceable remedies to address each of the CMA’s remaining concerns. We know this deal will benefit competition, innovation, and consumers in the UK”.
  • Sony declined to comment, according to MLex.

Per Idas


Buh bu but the CMA was suppose to block and make a name for themselves :cry: :sob:

Gotta love how idiots are now hopijg the CMA blocks off cloud SLC :rofl:


Not sure they have consent from them all but regardless even if every single competitor said we love the deal it doesn’t necessarily mean a regulator would pass it.

The poster you replied to didnt say the need the consent of competitors. Perhaps… give this thread a break. You respond like crazy with “knowledge” despite not being a regulator or M&A lawyer.


CMA doesn’t exist in vacuum and can’t block deals willy-nilly without rhyme or reason. Them revising their provisional findings should be proof enough of that.


Just tell them that everything is going to be daijoubu.



Probably too busy calling Microsoft



This image from Foss Patents shows this being wrapped up everywhere except in the US by May 22. Does this mean there’s no chance of this being done before June (E3) because of the FTC?


MS could close without the FTC they’ve said they would. Some are expressing doubt they actually would do so that would leave the FTC backing down and doing a deal with MS as the option to close before then.


No regulator is going to block this deal at this point over basically a non-existent market in “cloud gaming” that Microsoft is already making broad distribution deals to ensure that they wouldn’t “lock down” this future potential larger market. Anyone who thinks otherwise is straight foolish because this is now such an easy slap down by any judicial review including the CAT if the CMA shocked the world after today’s updated provisional findings and twisted themselves into a knot with an argument against cloud gaming. The regulators are there to protect anti-competitive practices that may harm consumers ultimately, primarily in existing clear markets, not to make gigantic leaps of logic for some far in the distance future market where one of the key participants is playing so nice with current competitors in that market.


Bro people are denouncing future Activision games and some guy equating it to Trump winning (I’m not American so I find this especially funny). Like, God damn it’s just video games. And idk why people have such a hate boner for Microsoft. I wish people could think for themselves and stop being sychophants to the loud empty vessels. Most of these dudes have never been in a business deal and it shows.